1 (edited by HMan 2024-12-10 11:59:21)

Topic: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

Hi, I'm another with the issue where my connection is cyclically going offline. Unlike others who have had the issue, I'm not using ethernet, and have no active firewalls other than what's in the router. I have tested turning that off just to see, but no change in the issue.

I've read every post here I can find and at this point have no idea what to do next, I'd really, really like to get this working as it's a big part of why I went with the product in the first place, that and the DUREC capabilities.

WiFi is a Huawei Mesh 7, it supports UDP and I also tested manually opening the port under UPD to no avail.

Here is a video documenting what's happening, there clearly is an actual connection, for about 5 seconds at a time....


EDIT: Problem was solved, if you’re reading this with the same issue, scroll down to the last post to see the very simple solution in my case.

2 (edited by maggie33 2024-12-09 01:16:33)

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

1) the basic cause is clear: for somehow reason a UDP connection cannot be established (while tcp is ok) between your ipad and macbook

2) your arc usb leds are constantly flashing. seems it is connected to multiple units somehow. why? Tell us, what is exactly how connected at the other end of the outgoing black cable from your iPad?

3) your MacBook shows an active Bluetooth connection: Possible that you enabled internet sharing or sth similar which uses a bt network connection between your ipad and macbook?

--- The basic ballon principle, to get step by step to the root cause is, disabling first all possible causes. so, just for testing ---:

a) Disconnect all cables (arc usb, etc) from ipad and macbook
b) Disable bluetooth on mac and iPad
c) Try again. Check if the faders move and react from/to ipad and macbook

-> post the results.

d) If it stiil doesn't work:
- try another port (lets say 33333)
- do the test again.
- if not working: please open the terminal on your macbook and post the result of this command here (hide the IP's Username etc) while the TM and the Remote toggle its connection:

lsof -i -n | grep Totalmix

In my case (no ipad is connected) it looks like this:

TotalmixF  7069 username   12u  IPv4 0x11111111      0t0  UDP *:33333
TotalmixF  7069 username   15u  IPv4 0x11111111      0t0  TCP *:33333 (LISTEN)

if your ipad and macbook are connected properly, you should see the ip adresses of your ipad and macbook (between the "->") instead of the *

Edit - example if UDP connection is OK:
it should look like this:

TotalmixF  7069 username   12u  IPv4 0x11111      0t0  UDP *:33333
TotalmixF  7069 username   15u  IPv4 0x11111      0t0  TCP *:33333 (LISTEN)
TotalmixF  7069 username   18u  IPv4 0x11111      0t0  UDP 172.168.x.y (=IP of mac):60877->172.168.x.z (=IP of iPad):33333

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

3 (edited by HMan 2024-12-09 16:21:46)

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

Hi Maggie,
Thanks so much for the reply!
In my video I had the ARC connected directly to the iPad, mostly just because I noticed it was easier to use to show that comms were going both ways, in a limited fashion. I don't have it connected now, just to take it out of the equation, as you suggested.

So I disconnected everything, turned off Bluetooth and AirDrop, and still no luck. Everything is reacting identically to what was shown in the video.

It didn’t happen when I made the video, but usually the when I first open TM Remote I get a pop-up saying there are no UDP packets at all.

Here's the result of running the command in terminal. X's are just hiding the correct IP address showing in the result.

User@user-MacBook-Pro ~ % lsof -i -n | grep Totalmix

TotalmixF 22291 user    3u  IPv4 0x6e0345e50bc81ebc      0t0  UDP *:33333
TotalmixF 22291 user    9u  IPv4  0xed3fdf388a1ca16      0t0  TCP *:33333 (LISTEN)
TotalmixF 22291 user   16u  IPv4  0x82d77861b2ae7e6      0t0  UDP X.X.X.a:51372->X.X.X.b:33333

4 (edited by HMan 2024-12-09 22:52:52)

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

I have a good friend who's a senior network specialist. We took a quick look at the problem in Wireshark. It looks like the iPad is sending UDP packets but for some reason the MacBook isn’t. So at least it’s narrowed down, though I don't have a clue where to look now.

5 (edited by maggie33 2024-12-09 23:23:37)

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

I get a pop-up saying there are no UDP packets at all.

Sure - thats the case if no UDP connection can be established... Normal popup indicationg this.

But if you already looked into this with Wireshark with a network savvy friend... I wonder why the macbook cannot send out UDP packets...

Further ideas, you could check:

- Firewall on macbook (temporary) disabled?
- In Security Setting (on Mac and iPad) the TM App(on mac) and the TM Remote App (on iPad) are set to allowed for "Local Network"?
- You could try in Terminal (after both Apps are up) - i mean the toggeling state. Open terminal and enter this:

nc -v -u -z YourIPadIP 33333

if a UDP connection can be generally established, result should look like this:

Connection to YourIPadIP port 33333 [udp/*] succeeded!

- Can you exclude, your Huawei Router filters sth?

Edit: I am 100% sure its some kind of network related problem in your case.
What I could offer: If you want, the easiest way would be, you contact me via the forums mail function directly.  And send me the wireshark pcap trace file. Then I could look into it. Of course, i will see your IPs etc there, so you will have to trust me that i dont do any BS with this Info. Your decission...

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

6 (edited by HMan 2024-12-10 12:40:10)

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

Well, no idea how I missed it, but case closed, I didn’t have local network permissions turned on.

They are a bit off the beaten path, so in case anyone else has this issue, here’s where to turn them on.

System Settings / Privacy & Security / Local Network


Thanks again for the help maggie33 !

So this makes it possible for me to have a smaller footprint item in my recording area.
To use DURec and the ARC usb simultaneously since the ARC usb works great via the remote device aka iPad. Which is a big bonus for me.

Of course the big thing I’ve already noticed with the UCX II is just how clear and detailed the recording is, so even though there were some frustrating moments, I’m happy with the final result.

Re: Total Mix Remote Cycling Connected and Offline

Well, no idea how I missed it, but case closed, I didn’t have local network permissions turned on.

My dad Homer would say: "Doh..." - joke wink

Happy to read, you managed it!

To use DURec and the ARC usb simultaneously since the ARC usb works great via the remote device aka iPad. Which is a big bonus for me.

I never had this idea! I always used the ARC plugged in to another USB Port of my Mac..
Benefit is, you can take your iPad (and the connected ARC) to another room and control the unit this way.
Nice, thx!

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard