Topic: Frightening repeated hooking out RAYDAT


I just came back home eager to dive into my studio again,

And I have an infortunate repeated failure :

The raydat disappears from synchro and everything at work with a violent numeric clicking sound,

It may come back after a restart, but jumps out with the same symptom a few minutes later

My configuration is :

Mac M2 with Ventura 10.13
Raydat in a PCIe adapter box
Ferrofish 16, Octamic D, and MIDAS Xl48 adat preamps and converters,
all synced by a Mutec MC3 clock - with the WC module on the raydat -

I had been recently updating the driver and everything ( flash update ) to the latest ones, due to a non responding card and everything had been working back beautifully .. but now I have this repeated problem that I certainly would like to solve ..

So Macos driver 4.23
Raydat 23647955, rev 19

Thank you in advance for your help

Pierre Lambla

Re: Frightening repeated hooking out RAYDAT

There is some unclear stuff about your driver and MacOS
Ventura is not 10.13 it is 13
and the driver for this is 4.25 not 4.23, I can't even find a driver 4.23 on the product page.
I would try install 4.25 driver and test.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue