Topic: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

I have the HDSPe, QS and Mixtacy.

In Samplitude I have four midi ports showing up. MADI Midi Port 1, 2, 3 and MTC MIDI.

I have connected a synth with MIDI I/O the the QS, but no matter what port I choose in Samplitude it does not playback or record any MIDI.
I've been trying for two days to get this to work so my question is:

Is the MIDI in the MADI units ONLY meant for remote functions, or am I doing something wrong? If so, why do they show up in my DAW at all?

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

Have you already tried to connect the MIDI breakout cable (comes with HDSPe MADI) with the dedicated multipin jack of the HDSPe MADI?


3 (edited by blackcom 2009-04-27 14:51:10)

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

Nope. I wanted to connect my synth to the ADI QS MIDI I/O. The computer is stored away, and I do no have that long midi cables.

But you did not answer my initial qestion smile

Is it -suposed- to work, or am I wasting time trying to make the ADI QS do something it can't?

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

I do not own an ADI QS, but am familiar with madi and midi over made.  It states on the RME product page and I quote "With an installed I64 MADI Card the QS can also be remote controlled via MADI. At the same time MIDI data are transmitted via MADI."  This makes it seem as though both would work simultaneously.  On the madi card, "midi 3" is the madi midi stream.  Should work according to RME's marketing.


Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

The QS includes a printed comprehensive manual. A whole chapter is reserved to MIDI remote and transmission. It also clearly states that you can have MIDI transmitted only in one way (remote works both ways).

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

MC wrote:

The QS includes a printed comprehensive manual. A whole chapter is reserved to MIDI remote and transmission. It also clearly states that you can have MIDI transmitted only in one way (remote works both ways).


I must admit I'm not shure I know what MIDI "one/both ways" actually 'mean' and ff you are refering to INN/OUT but I'll head over to the local store and get some longer MIDI cables to see If I can get the HDSPe breakoutcable to work with my stuff.


Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

blackcom wrote:

I must admit I'm not shure I know what MIDI "one/both ways" actually 'mean' and ff you are refering to INN/OUT

How screwed up is that? I am referring to your own post. You are trying to send MIDI via MADI to save cables.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by blackcom 2009-05-01 04:06:09)

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

MC wrote:
blackcom wrote:

I must admit I'm not shure I know what MIDI "one/both ways" actually 'mean' and ff you are refering to INN/OUT

How screwed up is that? I am referring to your own post. You are trying to send MIDI via MADI to save cables.

Actually it's not screwed up at all.
Now we know "one way" obviously meant "MIDI in or out only". Problem solved.

9 (edited by bmdaugherty 2009-05-02 10:14:13)

Re: HDSPe + QS MIDI functionaltiy

blackcom, it does appear that you can only send midi in one direction.  I would use the real midi connectors on the breakout and leave the midi over madi unused.  RME is squeezing a lot down that madi cable...  I love my madi card.  It just works.  I have been using the breakout since day one and it has always been flawless.  It would be so cool if you could use the full capability of your interface and get bi-directional midi, as having things in a machine room can create serious logistical problems, and long midi runs can be problematic.  If you need to run long midi cables through walls or under the floor, you can use in wall certified DMX 512 cable.  It's 5 conductor with a shield, and has good bandwidth for midi data.

Matthias, you are really abrasive every time you talk to customers.  Why?  We are the people who pay your wages.  Don't you get that just because someone has a question about your product,doesn't mean that they are A) stupid, or B) trying to downplay how great RME's products are?  THEY JUST HAVE A QUESTION.  Every post I read from you is unprofessional and I don't understand.  You are pretty much the face of RME on this forum and you are detracting from the credibility of your company.  Yes you know a lot, but you don't have to be condescending every time you share your knowledge.