1 (edited by dannyanalogue 2009-06-05 09:42:53)

Topic: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

Hello all,

I have the AES-32 in one machine and the 9632 in another.

The ADI-8 QS is attached to the AES-32's main d-25, and the 9632 is attached to the AES-32 'daughter board' d-25.

I'm trying to get both machines to sync to ADI-8 clock at 192khz (via AES).

The AES-32 machine slaves to the ADI-8, no problem... but it seems that the 9632 wants to do it's own thing i.e. wont change to 192khz.

Is what I'm trying to do possible? Do I need to have one of the cards as the master, instead?

I want to be able to send a signal from the AES-32 to the 9632 digital input, and out of the 9632 analogue output, via the matrix - again, is this possible?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -


...to simplify - does anybody (of the 40 people that have viewed so far) know why I can't get the 9632 to sync to the AES-32/ADI-8 QS at 192khz... or anything above 48khz, for that matter?

If it's a case of re-RTFM, then please say.

Maybe somebody has experience with syncing these two cards.

Thanks again,

Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

Do you have the 9632 connected to the AES-32 via AES/EBU (on the optional BO968 digital breakout cable, not analog XLR)? What is selected in Autosync/Pref. Sync Ref. on the 9632 settings?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

4 (edited by dannyanalogue 2009-06-07 11:25:25)

Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

Jeff wrote:

Do you have the 9632 connected to the AES-32 via AES/EBU (on the optional BO968 digital breakout cable, not analog XLR)? What is selected in Autosync/Pref. Sync Ref. on the 9632 settings?

Hi Jeff - thanks for coming back,

Yes, I'm connected via AES/EBU using BO968 at the 9632 end, and 1-2 from a Tascam d-25 at the AES-32 end - so the connections are OK - I hope?

At the moment I have the AES-32 set to MASTER... converters not connected, as I'm just trying to get the 2 machines to talk.

9632 - AutoSync Ref - Input = SPDIF (should I be seeing AES?)
                               Freq  = 192

        Pref. Sync Ref = SPDIF in (again, I would have expected to see an AES option?)

...but the 'System Clock' on the 9632 (showing 'Slave') only shows 48khz, and will not go above?? Subsequently, on the AES-32 settings page AES 5 shows a Lock at 48khz.

I'm new to AES, so I'm not sure about 'double wire' etc.

Thanks again.


Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

The card will only change its sample rate when an audio software is used. Try DIGICheck.

Matthias Carstens

6 (edited by dannyanalogue 2009-06-07 12:15:16)

Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

I see...

Ok, I'm going to play around with this for a while, thanks.

Am I trying the impossible by sending an AES signal from the AES-32, into the the 9632, and the out of the 9632 converters?


Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

...Right, I can send Audio from the AES-32 (machine A) to the 9632 (machine B) via AES. I can now play that audio through the 9632 converters, but... although the SPDIF Freq./Autosync Ref shows 192khz, the System Clock (slaved) shows 48khz - is this normal, and has something to do with 'Quad Wire'?



Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

No, it means that no software changed the card into QS mode. use DIGICheck...

Matthias Carstens

Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

Hi MC,

I appreciate your help but I'm not sure what you mean. Should I be using DigiCheck on one of the machines to govern the overall Sample Rate?

At the moment both machines are both slaved to the converters.


Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

No, you should just use any software (e.g. digicheck) on the machine equipped with the 9632 and run this software in 192K (e.g. creating and running a 192K project in a DAW will do this as well). Then the card will not only notice the incoming signals but will also switch completely to 192K.

That's how I understand MC's comments.

Re: AES-32/ADI-8 QS/9632 sync -

Ok, I have everything running at 192 after running DIGICheck on the 9632 machine. Both machines are slaved to the converters, and both system clocks show 192, although I've no idea what has changed - just the presence of DIGICheck on the 9632 appears to have solved the problem. The multiple in/out settings for DIGICheck (on both cards) has me a little confused - nevertheless, they're all playing nicely together!

Thanks so much for your help!