Topic: ADI-2 optical SPDIF output question


I am thinking of buying an ADI-2.  Looking at the user manual, it is not clear whether it will work with my 2-in/2-out optical SPDIF interface (M-Audio Transit).  (There is no RCA on this interface, only TOSLINK optical).

Clearly, the ADAT mode will not work because my interface does not support ADAT.  I am not understanding the meaning of "Channel Status".

Would the M-Audio Transit work in with the ADI-2 in PRO or CON mode?

Here is the quote from the manual:

The digital output of the ADI-2 can be used as SPDIF, AES/EBU and ADAT optical source. The
button OUTPUT sets the format:

? ADAT: The optical TOSLINK output operates in ADAT mode. Included support for Sample Split (S/MUX) enables sample rates up to 96 kHz.
? PRO: The output signal carries the Channel Status Professional. The physical output level at the RCA connector is raised, making the signal compatible to AES-3 and AES/EBU. The
same signal is found at the optical output.
? CON: The output signal carries the Channel Status Consumer. The physical output level at the RCA connector is lowered. The same signal is found at the optical output.

Re: ADI-2 optical SPDIF output question

When you set the output to PRO or CON, the optical port operates in 2 ch optical SPDIF mode, exactly what your interface needs. When the output is set to ADAT, the optical port occupies the first pair on an 8 channel (or 4 ch in DS modes) ADAT stream.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.