Topic: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

i can't find a way to affect a reverb during record so that the singer has a few effect in his headphone ,is there something to do with the Totamix or the matrix ?
thanx regards


Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

Unclear question, but maybe you overlooked the Post Fader mode (right mouse drag) in the manual?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

i simply want to send a few reverb in the headphone of the singer during the session without record the reverb ,
i can do that without the direct monitoring but even with short latency the singer is a bit embarrassing ,is there another way to do this ?


Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

ADM by definition controls only one routing path. If you set up TM to add some reverb this reverb will not be automatically switched on/off  by ADM.

Otherwise I don't understand the problem. If you add reverb on the singer headphone via TM why should it be recorded?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

Is this a hardware reverb or a Plug-In?
Which recording software?

Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

it's a hardware reverb ( plugged in AES) with Cubase 5 ,in fact i want to use Totalmix like a hardware console ,simply send some fx during session without turning off the DM ...
i know the way to make that with low latency and turning off the DM ,but i don't want to do that :-)

Re: HDSPe Madi Totalmix routing !

god !
i just realised the power of the totamix in reading the manual and simply create submix with send/return fx !! great !!!
before i had an hardware console that managed all the monitoring part that's why i was confused !
i just realised the concept !!
one advise ""read the manual" !!!:-):-)