Topic: Word Clock sync anomalities
Hello everyone!
Every now and then I have to record over twenty tracks at the time.
My setup is
RME OctaMic-D and Focusrite OctoPre via ADAT to Yamaha LS9 and it sends the tracks after little bit of EQ and dynamic processing to Fireface 800 via ADAT. If additional channels are needed I connect my Fireface UC and send 2 channels via SP/DIF to FF800.
All the components in the digital audio setup is synced with Word Clock.
The main line of sync cable is 15 meters long.
FF800, FF UC and LS9 have both WC in and out, but OctaMic and OctoPre have only ins.
Therefore I have to split the WC-sync signal with simple t-piece with BNC-connectors.
All the RME equipment work just fine with this kind of connections, Yamaha also, but Focusrite goes crazy sometimes.
So... I've been starting to wonder that is it wise and healthy way to deliver WC signal by splitting it.
I'm aware that there are some multiple output master clocks available, Apogee Big Ben for example and mayby some RME device also, but I have deliberately ignored those options because of costs of proper master clock gear.
And then finally to the question...
Does the the WC signal get attennuated when being split and that might be the reason for weirdess of OctoPre with RME gear?
Or does the WC signal get altered while going through LS9?
I know very little about WC signal and therefore my questions may sound idiotic for experts.
I recall having the same kind of weirdess with OctoPre when it was connected straigh to FF800 with 1m BNC cable.
I'm not sure that has it ever been connected alone with FF800, because I usually prefer having the extra inputs via OctaMic.
After having some reliability issues with OctoPre, I've been consider to change that piece of gear to something from RME since it has been operating perfectly and can be trusted in the studio and live also.
Thanks for RME for such excellent audio gear.
? ? EDIT ? ?
Oops, I think this post has much more to do with FF800 than FFUC, sorry folks.
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W10 Pro 64bit