Topic: HDSPe and Midi Timecode
I am using a HDSPe Madi card with Nuendo. To synchronize Nuendo with my HDCM recorder I use MTC. The LTC from my HDCAM machine feeds a Rosendahl LTC to MTC converter. The MTC signal is feed to one of the MIDI inputs of the HDSPe Madi card. The card is synced by WC.I record in Nuendo against external code using the Timestamp option (bwav). The problem is, that my recordings are to early that means that the timestamp is incorrect and playing back the records in sync with my HDCAM machine causes offsets between 2 and 10 FRAMES. The setting in Nuendo is correct and the system locks to incoming code in record as well as in playback. I am a bit desperate.
Any suggestions.
Thank you