Topic: FF400 power supply
I just bought a ff400 and am using it with a 27"imac at home and a white 2008 (with the lucent fw chipset) macbook at our rehersal place - all works great.
I use a 96 CD carry case, for transport between home and rehersal with a bit of foam to protect the wordclock sockets- works really well, but if anybody knows of a better carry case then please enlighten me.
I would like to have another power supply at the rehersal place so I dont have to carry it with me (I don't like the idea of buspower when Im doing serious recording)
Can I buy an additional RME power supply? or is there an approved third party psu that rme can recommend? I am based in Sweden.
btw I upgraded from m-audio profire interfaces (610 at home and 2626 rehersal) and the difference in sound quality is just amazing.
Great products!