Topic: MADIface monitoring using onboard audio
I'm using MADIface with a MBP17: Logic 9 on Mac OSX 10.6 and Pyramix 6.x on bootcamped XP32. I really love the quality of the RME stuff including the ASIO driver. Unfortunately on the XP side it's currently not possible to use the onboard Realtek audio for simple monitoring purposes together with Hammerfall ASIO. On the Mac side it's not a problem to use different devices for ins and outs. I've tried ASIO4ALL with some success, but it will probably never reach the quality of the RME ASIO driver for MADI support (see my thread in the Pyramix forum … p;t=6629).
The only solution I see would be the other way round: RME could add the icing on the cake with an extension of its ASIO drivers for supporting onboard audio. Michael Tippach (ASIO4ALL) in Augsburg is not so far from Haimhausen. What do you think? Other solutions?
Cheers, Gabriel