1 (edited by songbird 2010-05-26 13:06:10)

Topic: Micstasy and Yamaha LS9 Midi Remote ?


i'm trying to get the Micstasy work together with a Yamaha LS9-32. The Yamaha mixer has two Yamaha Madi cards. On the Madi side everything works great, I configured the Micstasy as an unknown external headamp and i can see the Levels under the headamp page (last page under Rack 5-8). When adjusting levels or switching on/off 48V under the external HA page the MIDI logo in the Yamaha's display blinks, so the mixer definately sends Midi commands. Midi is wired directly (via Midi IO, not Midi over Madi) from/to Micstasy/LS9

Now all the IDs and settings seem to be right but the Micstasy does nothing. Also the LS9 does not seem to receive any Midi Data from The Micstasy, as the Midi Logo does not begin to blink when I adjust levels on the Micstasy itself.

Did anyone get this working? Are any specific options under Setup => Midi Preferences neccessary ? RX/TX/Echo/Omni/Multi/Single/Table etc. ?

I emailed Yamaha and they sent me a parameterchangelist excel sheet. Does this maybe help?

Thank You

//edit: Micstasy FW: 2.1 / Yamaha FW 1.16


Re: Micstasy and Yamaha LS9 Midi Remote ?

Did you set REMOTE on the Micstasy front to MIDI?

The MIDI I/Os are connected to the mainboard by a small flat ribbon cable. If this gets loose the MIDI I/Os might not work at all. Check by using a different MIDI device connected to the Micstasy.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Micstasy and Yamaha LS9 Midi Remote ?

I will test this as soon as I find my breakout cable for my HDSPe Madi ;-)
REMOTE is set to Midi of course

Re: Micstasy and Yamaha LS9 Midi Remote ?

I bought a new MIDI Cable for my HDSPe Madi and the MIDI IO of the Micstasy is OK. Still no Luck with the LS9 :-(

Re: Micstasy and Yamaha LS9 Midi Remote ?


as far as I know the MIDI commands sent by the LS9 cannot be configured by the user. Thus the MIDI Messages from the LS9 will not be compatible with the Micstasy's remote protocol. Did you compare the parameter change list from Yamaha with the Micstasy protocol in the manual?

The DM1000/DM2000 consoles offer the possibility to program user defined commands to control the Micstasy (or anything else). But I am afraid this cannot be done with the LS9 software.
