1 (edited by rschamel 2010-05-31 10:15:25)

Topic: Failed update on old cardbus card

hi guys, i am working with RME-equippement since RME was born and i was always happy about the great quality and the service. This times are gone!
It happend to my old cardbus interface: update = (up)death.
Synthax would sell me a new card for about ? 245!
They don't want to repair it. Are the costs in east-germany so high???
I see the problem in the programming of the updater: if this program finds an old card (and it has seen my old rev. number) it has to stop the update! isn't it?
So i spoke to Synthax and they said after a difficult, long phonecall, they will look, what they can do with this on RME. Now, after i sent back the ups-package the friendliness was not the same as before (it is monday smile). Can anybody of RME send me the programmed chip so i can solder it by myself (yes i can)? greatings to MC.
ps: i bought now a new, one year old, card on the  big marketplace everbody knows. it costs about ?80 and it has the newest firmware....YESSS

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card


rschamel wrote:

I see the problem in the programming of the updater: if this program finds an old card (and it has seen my old rev. number) it has to stop the update! isn't it?

No - in most cases, the update works just fine with the older PCI and Cardbus cards. This is not a general issue of all old cards.

Can anybody of RME send me the programmed chip so i can solder it by myself (yes i can)?

Sorry, not possible in this case.

I will discuss the matter with Synthax.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by rschamel 2010-05-31 13:34:29)

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card


RME Support wrote:

No - in most cases, the update works just fine with the older PCI and Cardbus cards. This is not a general issue of all old cards.

and you doesn't know, which card works and not?!

I will discuss the matter with Synthax.

good luck...

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card

rschamel wrote:

and you doesn't know, which card works and not?!

No. It's not an issue of specific cards. An update might work in one specific setup (laptop), but not in another. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to determine whether an update will fail or not. Apart from that, failures are very rare. In the vast majority of cases, it just works fine.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by rschamel 2010-05-31 14:53:39)

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card

Sehr gehrter Herr Fuchs,
wenn das so ist und ich einer der wenigen Pechv?gel bin, erwarte ich einerseits nat?rlich keine Kulanz. Das wird f?r Sie ja nur bei einem Massenph?nomen interressant.
Andererseits finde ich, dass gerade bei einem so seltenen Fehler, der ja doch ein Fehler des Herstellers ist, die Kosten f?r eine Freundlichkeit, die den Ruf des Unternehmens deutlich verbessert, so gering sind, dass man schon einen Austausch zu kleinem Preis bedenken sollte.
Freundlichst, Rainer Schamel

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card


der genannte Preis f?r eine (neue und von diesem Problem g?nzlich freie) Cardbuskarte ist schon etwas reduziert...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Failed update on old cardbus card

RME Support wrote:


der genannte Preis f?r eine (neue und von diesem Problem g?nzlich freie) Cardbuskarte ist schon etwas reduziert...

Daniel Fuchs

Ich m?chte an die Umtauschaktion im Juni/08 erinnern. Wie hoch waren die Kosten f?r den Anwender damals?