Topic: Fireface USB Settings and Windows 7 x64 issues

Changing the frequency, causes the windows playback/record devices to be dropped completely and re-added at the new frequency.  A little annoying in itself!

The problem I'm having is it can take minutes for the devices to reappear.  Also just trying to access playback devices dialog at any time can take 10-30 seconds for it to open.

This is happening on both my machines, absolute fresh installs.  Just base drives not extra crap.

X58 chipset.  3 USB devices: Keyboard, Mouse and UC.


Re: Fireface USB Settings and Windows 7 x64 issues

This is nomal behaviour at this time until Microsoft gets their code working for a quick change of the system (WDM) sample rate. Basically you should not or are not expected to change the sample rate often. Under WDM this is not necessary at all (resampling in W7 works good), so set it to what you usually use in ASIO...

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Dr Tone 2010-06-11 01:35:57)

Re: Fireface USB Settings and Windows 7 x64 issues

Yes, but I sometimes feed the UC via SPDIF at sample rates lower than my usual 96, which causes the UC to stay at that sample rate and me having to endure the delay to put it back to 96.

It's not normal, it a problem with the method of implementation, why did you guys decide to implement it this way?  The other manufacturers don't tie/limit their WDM device to the current chosen sample frequency in their respective control panels, all frequencies the device is capable of are always available for quick switch on the WDM side.  No uninstall/reinstall on a frequency change.  It works well and is instantanious.
