Topic: Interconnections between RAYDAT and MADI HDSPe inside one computer ?

Let's considering one computer with inside a RAYDAT and a MADI HDSPe

1/ Is it possible to connect directly by driver and TotalMix (without any cables) : some outputs from MADI to inputs from RAYDAT :-)

2/ If yes, does it add latency, or not at all because: connections are made directly via one TotalMix by drivers HeadScratch

3/ Does the system shows the two HDSPe on one TotalMix with tab panels, or does it shows the two cards in two TotalMix windows ?

Thanks for your answers

Re: Interconnections between RAYDAT and MADI HDSPe inside one computer ?

1 - No. This can be done in a software host, but not in the TotalMix window.
3 - Each card has a separate TM window. You can toggle between them with the Unit buttons, or open a different window for each card.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Interconnections between RAYDAT and MADI HDSPe inside one computer ?

1 - No. This can be done in a software host, but not in the TotalMix window.

so does it means by examples for audio monitoring : latency size buffers from MADI (outputs) + latency size buffers from RAYDAT (inputs) + latency timing buffers from RAYDAT (outputs) for monitoring audio on an external DA unit converter ? HeadScratch

Thanks for your answers

Re: Interconnections between RAYDAT and MADI HDSPe inside one computer ?

OK, I think I understand...

There is no "Zero Latency Monitoring" in this scenario, because the audio is processed through the software (ASIO host). Input chain latency + input buffers + software processing latency + output buffer + output chain latency.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.