Topic: Impossible to set correct device. Please help.

I'm using a HDSP 9652 PCI on a windows XP computer. Ableton Live is used as DAW. No problem during 5 years.

At this moment I'm trying to use DigiCheck v 5.23. I installed it on my computer. All OK. I can open the app.

But, When I try to setup "input device device" I have:

"Asio Driver Select" -> Asio Hammerfall DSP

"Device" -> HDSP MADI (!!!!)
(but.... my device is not MADI is HDSP9652, but it's impossible to select it because it's not listed in the dropbox.)

On the Digicheck main windows at right down corner I can read the message "No Device running". But my HDSP 9652 is pefectly running, DAW working,  RME DSP MIXER working.

What can I do?

thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Impossible to set correct device. Please help.

I got the same problem with FF800 see only MADI outputs.

After i install the latest drivers...

Re: Impossible to set correct device. Please help.

I updated drivers with hdsp_wdm_fut tool but I still have the same problem: I can't select HDSP 9652, only MADI is showed.

Your help will be welcome. Thanks.


Re: Impossible to set correct device. Please help.

same problem with fireface400
i even tried uninstalling but nothing works
saveeeee my analyzer  plz!!!! DeadHorse

Re: Impossible to set correct device. Please help.

You need the updated EXE file in post #4 here:

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.