1 (edited by tunetown 2010-07-24 04:18:02)

Topic: Configuring 2 HDSP9652 cards for 96k


I'm running Nuendo 5 with 1 Apogee AD16x and 2 DA16x's for 32 output channels. I've added another card to enable SMUX for 96k recording.

In the Hammerfall DSP settings system clock it reads 48k even though I have the Apogee set to 96k. Nuendo says " Warning, sample rate does not match external word clock".

I must have it configured wrong. I have read the manual and cannot find a clear picture of how my setup should be configured.

Do the 2 cards need to be internally hooked up? What is the order the Apogee ADAT cables should be plugged into the RME cards to achieve 96k?

Thanks for your assistance.


Peter Houghton
Tune Town Pty Ltd

Re: Configuring 2 HDSP9652 cards for 96k


Peter Houghton
Tune Town Pty Ltd

Re: Configuring 2 HDSP9652 cards for 96k


Is there some sort of schematic that shows how to plumb 2 HDSP9652 pci cards into 1 apogee AD16X and 2 Apogee DA16x to get 24 channels of 96k.

There are 3 adat in and 3 adat out on each RME card. There are 4 adat out on the ad16x and 4 adat in each on the 2 da16x. Which toslink goes where to achieve what I'm asking.

Please help. I have a 96k session this weekend.

Isn't anybody running this??


Peter Houghton
Tune Town Pty Ltd

Re: Configuring 2 HDSP9652 cards for 96k

Turns out I had a faulty card.

Peter Houghton
Tune Town Pty Ltd