Topic: 9632 how to set powerdvd multichannel in win7 with adat output

    sorry my poor english, cause i'm from guangzhou of china. I got win7 pc with 9632, want use powerdvd or another software to play movie multichannel via the adat output to adda,pls teach me how to set. It's best that teach me with picture,thk's lot!
    my ieda:  powerdvd or another dvd software-> playback wia the adat output->adda


Re: 9632 how to set powerdvd multichannel in win7 with adat output

This is not possible without the analog expansion board AO4S-192. You have to set the analog output as 'speaker', configure it as 5.1 playback, and then have 6 channels for playback. Without the board you just have 2, so only stereo is possible in the Windows sound panel.

With the board you can then route these channels easily to the ADAT output via TotalMix, even if you do not connect anything to the analog output.

Matthias Carstens

Re: 9632 how to set powerdvd multichannel in win7 with adat output

thk's lot. I will buy board AO4S-192 and try

Re: 9632 how to set powerdvd multichannel in win7 with adat output

    if i get board AO4S-192,then adat can 8 channel output?