Topic: Very disapointed by the warranty (RME Fireface)
Hi everyone @ RME,
First I must admit that I'm not very happy.
I buyed a Fireface 800 only THREE years ago... since this moment, used it only for one recording.
Last week, I powered up my computer... but the card stayed on HOST mode (red light).
(My rig is stable : a pc buyed one year ago, with a good Asustek Motherboard and the original cable between the card and my pc).
I tried different things (another pc ; another cable) but the light stills stay on red.
So I called the hotline for french people (SVC Hi-Tech : they are nice) and they explained me that it must be the Bus Controller... and it should COST ME AROUND 170 EUROS !!!! 170 EUROS !!!
I buyed this card like 1200 euros ! Used it for two records (this one is the second one) and I've to pay again.
Of course, I'm very disapointed because I thought that RME stuff was rock-solid.
Should I pay 170 more euros each two recordings ???? I'm just a student & can't afford this kind of things so easily... What can I do now ?