Topic: Fireface UC vs. Babyface

Hello everyone,

I want to use one of these for live production.
I need one Mic Preamp and want a Stereoline Signal being processed at the same time.
Does Babyface and UC have same latency?
Is it possible to use the High Z Instrument IN and the second Mic Preamp IN for a symetric Stereo Line Signal?

Thank you very much!

Re: Fireface UC vs. Babyface

BeatBrenning wrote:

Does Babyface and UC have same latency?


Is it possible to use the High Z Instrument IN and the second Mic Preamp IN for a symetric Stereo Line Signal?

No, as long as you are already using the Mic in 1. This unit only has 2 analog inputs total, the Hi-Z overrides the Mic 1 input when active.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.