Topic: Latest driver (or firmware) prevents OSX from launching midi???
I just updated my FF800's firmware to 2.77 and the drivers to 2.85. I had a few sync problems with the Creamware A16 Ultra after installing the new RME drivers, sorted by disconnecting and reconncting wordclock and adat cables, but now the system will not launch the midi server (system message says "Audio MIDI Setup unable to launch MIDI server"). No MIDI found by Logic or any other applications. Its definitely FF800 related because if I switch it off the midi works perfectly and keeps working after I switch it back on. After i reboot the problem starts all over again.
I'm on a 2x2.66 Dual Core Intel Xeon Mac Pro running 10.5.8
How can this be solved? Could it be an incompatibility between 10.5 and the new drivers? Should I install 10.6?