Topic: Fireface 800 from PC to MAC: default output

I recently swapped from PC to MAC
The behavior of my FF800  is not exactly the same, and particularly  this:

Under Windows 7, I was able to choose the output of Windows Apps (from all the 28 outs)
Under Mac OSX snow, it is not the case, Mac sounds (Itunes, Audio apps...) always use AN1+2 ..

Is there in Mac Osx to change the default audio output ?

thanks  for your help ...


Re: Fireface 800 from PC to MAC: default output

Check /Applications/Utilities/Audio-MIDI Setup. Select "Configure speakers". Not sure if this will be available with the FF800, but works with RME USB devices.

Also, you have the FF Mixer. You can route these channels to any physical outputs you like.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Fireface 800 from PC to MAC: default output

Thanks for the answer
Yes that works BUT:

I was used to link All Analog outputs in my DAW as the same numbers (DAW1-2 to AN12, DAW34 to AN34 etc...)
Windows sound was linked as DAW11-12 (SPL)  , unused  in my daw...

sort of virtual output for Windows... great for direct sampling into my DAW or maschine

Now, Mac Osx sound goes to DAW1-2 and I cannot change this

that means if I want the same  "separation" between Logic and OSX sound, I must avoid using DAW12 output in logic
not a great way to work ...
