1 (edited by Yllet 2010-12-28 11:29:59)

Topic: Happy new FF400 ower... And a few simple questions.

Hi folks.

My name is Jon and I'm a happy owner of a new ff400 soundcard. I'm running windows 7 64bit and have no troubles so far. But I have a few questions though:

1. Is it normal that the cpu meter is moving (Cubase 5) when using buffer size lower than 256? I tried 64 samples and the playback seems fine, but the meter moves a little little... What buffer size is common among you ff400 owners when recording/mixning?

2. Are you guys running totalmix in the background all the time for setting volyme on headphones/monitors when mixing etc...

3. I changed my firewire driver (have TI-chipset) to legacy driver, didn't notice any performance boost on my quadcore, should I leave it there?

4. I'm running my phones through the front and my monitors on out 1/2 and my preamp to Input 5. thats normal right? Can i use another pair of headphones as well? If so, how?

5. That's all for now i think smile

Thanks in advance. And by the way if you are interested in my music be sure to check out: www.myspace.com/turnoffyourtelevision



Re: Happy new FF400 ower... And a few simple questions.

Yes it's normal, because you need more disk access. You need low and very low latency only if you're doing live recording and you're are using FF to playback to the headphones of the musician.

If you record in one shot all the musician instrument, don't mind about the latency. Let it to the max (1024 samples) because it's more safe to not loose samples.

When your are mixing you can use 1024 samples of latency if you're not using complex external machines.

Totalmix always run in background for me. When I record 64 tracks in live concert, I want to look all the levels that comes into my madiface card.

Tu use anoother headphone, it's better to buy an headphone amplifier/distributor, it's easy to find one, and it's not so expensive.

Get pleasure with FF400 !