Topic: Raydat ASIO problems in Cubase 5
I just got me a Raydat card and 3 Behringer ADA8000 converters for my studio, and got problems.
I use a very powerfull, PC AMD 3 Phenom II x4 processor with 4 GB of RAM running Windows XP 32bit and Cubase 5. The Raydat card sync's fine with the connverters with the card as masterclock and I've updated the drivers. I use a buffersize of 256.
The problem is when I for example hit the battery drum machine or any vst or audio device sending sound to playback, the sound doesn't punch through right away. There's like a gated effect on every sound. If I hit the sound several times in a row it stays up until I stop for a couple of seconds and then it's gated out again. The same thing happens more drastic if I use my lexicon as an external effect and send audio out, through the effect and back in and the sound drops out all the time. So I tried switching from RME Asio driver to Full Duplex Driver and the audio seems to be normal. Iv'e also tried to use the ADA8000 as masterclock, changed the buffersize and almost every possible variation setting on the card but the same thing happens.
Please help.