Topic: Workaround for Fireface/iMac problem
I just received this from a Fireface user (David Berry):
"Following posts on the RMS forum on the website and on the Apple forum regarding the problem using an RME Fireface interface with the new metal iMac I have managed to create a work-around solution so that people can still use there Firefaces and iMacs together.
After some experimentation I have managed to get my Fireface 800 working perfectly. It seems there is a problem with the iMac connecting directly to certain Firewire devices (apparently Apple know that this is a problem and are presumably working on a fix). It is easy to get round the problem by using an external harddrive to act as a hub (I use a Lacie Firewire Drive). Providing your harddrive has two firewire ports on the back you can get the harddrive to mount and then plug the Fireface 800 into the back on the other port. Bizarrely -- but more importantly if you are a musician -- the fireface cranks up and everything now works fine. I have tested playing all sorts of sounds out of the iMac - Music/DVD/Logic and it all works perfectly. I presume there is a fault in the driver or something on the iMac - but for now at least we can get on writing music until a fix is released..."
Daniel Fuchs
Daniel Fuchs