Topic: Small controller dedicated to TotalmixFX?

Hello. Happy new fireface USB user here.

I see, in the manual the behringer bcn44 mentioned as a possibility to control totalmix. This has been discontinued, unfortunately.
I'd be immensely grateful for recommendations on an alternative controller. I don't need any mackie functionality, but it should be as small and cheap as possible.
I've considered an akai lpd8, as it has faders and buttons (the pads). Also Novation Nocturn, which I'm sure will work, but is overkill for me (and I'd like something smaller).
If any of you have any experience with using these (or any other small, cheap controllers) with totalmix or just have suggestions I'll revere you on a long term basis big_smile

(absolutely blown away by the fireface UC, btw)

Re: Small controller dedicated to TotalmixFX?

Bumpytibump. Let me ask in another way, then wink

Do you use a controller in simple MIDI mode to control totalmixFX faders?
If the answer's 'yes' - which one do you use?

I'm dying to know, really.


Re: Small controller dedicated to TotalmixFX?

The BCF2000 is sold in Germany for around 160 Euros. At that price having a fully functional remote with feedback (motor faders) makes most others obsolete, and even should make you think about the size issue.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Small controller dedicated to TotalmixFX?

MC wrote:

The BCF2000 is sold in Germany for around 160 Euros. At that price having a fully functional remote with feedback (motor faders) makes most others obsolete, and even should make you think about the size issue.

Thankks for your answer. I'm thinking, then.