Topic: What's up with Cubase 6?

27682 [ASIO Devices] *Application may crash when trying to access the Control Panel of RME audio devices.


Re: What's up with Cubase 6?

Just came here to post that! :-)

Any plans on a new driver to solve this? music collaboration, copyrighting, promote and earn

Re: What's up with Cubase 6?


PC or Mac ?
access FF Settings Dialog from inside Cubase 6 or outside in taskbar or dock !?

regards S-EH

Re: What's up with Cubase 6?

This was posted on It seems it's not a problem.....

"Simply open the settings dialog from the task bar for the time being...

Daniel Fuchs

here is the link to that: music collaboration, copyrighting, promote and earn

Re: What's up with Cubase 6?

Lasso wrote:

27682 [ASIO Devices] *Application may crash when trying to access the Control Panel of RME audio devices.


It means that you may not, for the time being, be able to change RME settings directly from the Audio Setup page in Cubase.  No biggie, there are other ways to get at it.