Topic: multiface audio breakdown


After many years of good functioning, I cannot get my Multiface to work anymore. I use my card for playback. I am on windows 7 and have a PCI Hammerfall DSP card.

Symptoms are : on PC startup, the red HOST led is not lighting at all (nor are any of the green leds). And I cannot play any of my audio applications: when I launch a music file, it just freezes at the beginning when I hit play. Even audio streaming from internet (for instance, a youtube video) will refuse to start.

I have normal software access to the hardware mixer and HDSP settings,  but with I/O Error.

When I delete the RME drivers on my PC, and leave the PCI card inside, the audio apps come back to normal functioning.
I updated the driver with the last version, but that didn't help. I tried to install the card on another PC, but that didn't make her work either and I found the same symptoms.

The HDSP PCI card is recognized by my PC, and it says that the drivers are correctly installed and functioning (wich is obviously not the case, since I have I/O Error on the HDSP settings) . But it should mean that the PCI card is at least not totally flawed.

On the other hand, I tried to power my multiface box through an independent power supply, and that turned the red Host light on. So I know the box is at least partly working.

So all in all, I suppose, either the HDSP PCI interface card or the Multiface box might have a problem ? Is there a way to diagnose wich might be broken ?

Thank you very much for your help

Re: multiface audio breakdown

Please test another FW cable.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: multiface audio breakdown

I ordered and tested a new FW cable (length 4.5m), but the problems remain the same. Would you have any other suggestion ? Thank you !

Re: multiface audio breakdown


I am replying to myself, but I just made a last desperate move: I tried to run my multiface connected to the PCI card with an external power source. And it does seem to work again...

For an unknown reason, over time, the internal powering through FW cable seems to have faded out.

Only problem, my outer power source is 13V and not 12V.

Now my questions are :
- Is there a risk I might damage the multiface box or the PCI card by running her with an external power wich is not precisely aligned with the internal 12V ?
- How can, over time, the internal power supply run out of juice and, is there any way to restore it ?

Thank you !


Re: multiface audio breakdown

...i can't comment on the 13v/12v issue but the multiface always needed an external power supply...i have this here: … 001842-000

Re: multiface audio breakdown

No, the MF does not always need external power. Not with the PCI and PCIe cards.
And 13V should be fine. There is nothing to "align".

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: multiface audio breakdown

...ah, sorry...i'm working with a laptop for such a long time i forgot about "the ol' days" with a dektop pc...ha...

Re: multiface audio breakdown

Ok thank you everyone. Any hint on wether I could revert back to inner powering ? Or is the inner power fadeout sort of a normal - and cureless - ageing symptom... ?
Have a good day

Re: multiface audio breakdown

There is no aging as such. The card may still be in need of service, but that would require sending it in.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs