Topic: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

hello there
My configuration is:
Mac intel Pro 2,66Ghz    vers 10.4.11
Logic 8.0.1
Hdsp madi + TCO latest driver 2.55
I am not able to see external LTC in logic 8 ( i use ltc coming from the VTR )
the rme driver works corretly and display the LTC coming in, but there is no way to get it in the logic
The madi card is synced on optical madi.
I hope that anyone could help me

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8


In OS X, the TCO converts LTC to MIDI Time Code (MTC), which is on a virtual MIDI port from the MADI card. Please check your setting in Logic.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

Thank you for your answer
Unfortunately my logic still not work with LTC coming from the TCO
It works fine with an external MTC.( now I am doing this way converting the LTC in MTC passing thru an MX2424)
In logic as far as I know there is no way to change setting in order to see the virtual midi port.
Is there anything that I can do from the OSX midi control panel?
Thank for your time and patience


Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

The TCO does not work with the HDSP MADI. Only with the HDSPe MADI.

Matthias Carstens

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

It is a HDSPe madi card
is there any solution?


Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

fondazionemusica wrote:

In logic as far as I know there is no way to change setting in order to see the virtual midi port.
Is there anything that I can do from the OSX midi control panel?

You can check if the additional MIDI port is seen there at all.

Matthias Carstens

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

as you can see from the screen shot OSX works fine
I post another picture of logic settings
I hope this can help
greetings … ne1ja7.png

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

Does it need to be terminated?

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8

It is terminated electronically by the control panel of the driver
But anyway as I said the driver show the LTC fine
there is no communication between Logic and the virtual madi port
I hope that MC would give me a solution

Re: problem hdsp madi tco LTC running with logic8
