Topic: Sample rate after standby (44100 vs. 48000 kHz)

I've actually had this problem since many years ago, with other RME products and other manufacturer's audio cards as well. I have RME HDSPe AIO and this is what happens:

I watch some YouTube for example and then put my PC on standby. After resuming, all audio is played with lower pitch than it should. So probably 48000 kHz is played back erroneusly at 44100 kHz. So speech in YouTube is in low pitch voice and so on. If I just open Hammerfall DSP Settings and press Buffer Size for example, it immediately refreshes and the pitch is back to normal.

How to fix this problem permanently? Note that there was no DAW or anything special loaded in the background, just some very basic Windows usage.


Re: Sample rate after standby (44100 vs. 48000 kHz)

Did you try the latest driver 4.04? It might change that behavior of your machine, as it works differently with WDM..

Matthias Carstens

Re: Sample rate after standby (44100 vs. 48000 kHz)

Yes, I was using 4.04 already.


Re: Sample rate after standby (44100 vs. 48000 kHz)

Then this unusual problem is caused by some ill-behaving driver or background software, specific to your system. You will have to find out yourself what that is. Might be even necessary to install a fresh Windows on a new hard drive to see what happens. Might not be worth the time needed to examine all that, though.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by jimhoyle 2014-12-21 13:35:11)

Re: Sample rate after standby (44100 vs. 48000 kHz)

I didn't find out the possible conflicting driver/software, but I made an AutoHotkey script to work around this. So if anyone is suffering from the same problem, here is a solution you can try. However, similar functionality could probably also be included in hdsp32.exe itself, as the solution is very simple (just refresh the settings).


#SingleInstance, Force

OnMessage(0x218, "PowerBroadcast_triggered")

  if msg=536 ; if there was 0x218 and 536, we have received a resume from standby event
    Run, C:\Windows\System32\hdsp32.exe
    WinWait, Hammerfall DSP Settings ahk_class #32770,, 3
    if ErrorLevel
      TrayTip, AutoHotkey, Could not open hdsp32.exe (Hammerfall DSP Settings) in 3 seconds
      WinActivate Hammerfall DSP Settings ahk_class #32770 ; Make sure that the hdsp32.exe..
      WinWaitActive Hammerfall DSP Settings ahk_class #32770, , 3 ; ..window is really active
      Send, +{Tab}+{Tab}+{Tab}+{Tab}{Space}{Esc} ; Refresh "Phones" choice = refresh AIO