Topic: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

I've been having this issue for as long as I've had my UFX and my current PC (~3 years), but due to university (electrical engineering) I have had little or no time to work in my studio.

Having searched the forum I see that there are OSX Yosemite users that have a similar issue as mine.

The basic issue is as follows. After a seemingly random period of time the software playback from my DAW (Ableton Live 9, Maschine, Cubase 6 etc) will begin to degrade with lots of digital distortion and what sounds like an extreme amount of jitter and a complete loss of synchronization (the sound is similar to extreme bit crushing). Eventually the result is that I will no longer have any audio from any software on my PC. Totalmix FX still functions (I have crystal clear audio from any and all hardware inputs), and the USB led on the UFX is illuminated. I can temporarily restore full functionality by switching the buffer size on the fireface control panel, but the problem eventually returns.

I do not believe it is an actual buffer issue as when it works I get excellent performance on all buffer settings.

Things to note about my system are:

I have the UFX in a rolling rack, connected to the PC by a 3 meter USB cable (switching different cables doesn't help).
I have tried numerous USB2 and USB3 ports on my PC with little to no change regardless of another devices being connected.

When I get a chance I will update to the latest drivers (I'm currently running either USB driver 1.053 or 1.059), but would love some other suggestions just in case the issue is still persistent.

My system specs are:

    Gigabyte 990FXA-UD5

    AMD FX-6100 3.3GHz

        Video Card:
        AMD Radeon HD6670

    GSkill RipjawsX 12800CL9 4x4GB (16GB total)

    System drive:
    Intel 520 Series SSD 120GB
    Library drive:
    Intel 520 Series SSD 240GB
        Audio drive:
        Intel 520 Series SSD 60GB

    D-Link DWA-160 wireless adapter (connected via USB2)

    DSP Cards:
    UAD 2 DUO
    Audio Interface:

    MIDI Interface:
    MOTU MIDI ExpressXT

    Other Peripherals:
    Korg Kaoss Pad 3 (x2)
    M-Audio Keystation 88es
    Native Instruments Maschine Studio
    Ableton Push

Thank you,

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback


I had the 1.059 drivers, and updated them to the latest ones. The issue is still present. I suspect I might need to try an active USB extender &/or yet another USB cable. I've looked at a bunch of the existing threads and all the recommended ones seem to be from shops in Europe. Are there any North American sources for proven ones?


Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

Do you see the Errors counter in Fireface USB Settings window going up when the trouble starts?

4 (edited by GabrielB 2015-01-12 02:23:04)

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

No, anytime I've checked the error readings have always been 0/0.

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

Some points to check:
All system sounds off?
LatencyMon tool used already?

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

All system sounds are completely off (the sole purpose of this build is audio production). I have never come across Latencymon before. I will investigate that tool, and hopefully it'll help find the cause.


7 (edited by Timur Born 2015-01-12 02:55:05)

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

Does it happen at any buffer size? Is the clock source set to internal?

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

It happens with any buffer size and any clock configuration. I was running with a Cranesong HEDD192 as the master clock, but have since sold it.

Re: UFX & Windows 7 Dropouts and Digital Distortion from Software playback

I know this is not related exactly, but hope it helps RME think about a solution for you. Your description sound exactly like what I have experienced when trying to use a legacy Event EZBus with my Mac on either 10.9 or 10.10. Everything sounds great, then, eventually, and seemingly randomly, the audio degrades to noise, then drops entirely. Resetting the buffer, or unplugging and replugging, fixes the issue, but only temporarily. There is no driver available for these operating systems, which makes me wonder if Windows 7 is not using the proper driver for the hardware, maybe relying on the Microsoft driver instead. I have had to go into device manager with some recording interfaces, and specifically tell it which driver to use, as it sometimes defaults to its own drivers. Just an Idea... hope you get it fixed