Topic: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers


i get from this posting that RME doesn't want to build linux drivers. I can understand why you choose to do so but i hope this will change.
However, what I want to ask is:

Can you imagine releasing source code of existing drivers for the community to build linux drivers on their own?

I see no problem of competition when using a licence with strong copyleft. I see however potential for a lasting community to build around this (as e.g. has happened with open router firmwares like the Netgear WNR3500 and others.)

Thanks for comments and participating in a discussion.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

The answer is no, as stated several times by RME, for example in this thread .

An Open Source driver would mean sharing technical details we don't wish to share...

Daniel Fuchs

The only chance of RME-Drivers being developed (by RME) is an increase of Linux-Desktops from actually about one to at least ten percent of
It's all about business.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

I wasn't aware that this very question was already discussed.
Thanks for the link, I'll read through it when i find the time.

One (the?) reason that was named by RME Support is was

An Open Source driver would mean sharing technical details we don't wish to share...

I don't know if one can obtain informatoin on details on the hardware from a drivers source code that is not easily accessible otherwise.

A copyleft licence on released sourcecode however will afaik prevent that shared information can be abused by competitors. Theyd need to release their modifications of that code as well.

The only chance of RME-Drivers being developed (by RME) is an increase of Linux-Desktops from actually about one to at least ten percent of

Is this a statement that was made by RME?
This would make me feel better. I'm confident that this could happen soon.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

RME already provides source to ALSA Project for the HDSP Series (PCI and PCIe cards). They have decided that in the interest of protecting intellectual property the FireWire and USB source could not be released. This has been discussed many times in this very forum, no point in pursuing it here again.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by orby 2013-10-14 22:07:35)

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

Oh and I forgot to mention: If one of those threads could be made sticky with an obvious title (or some new sticky thread with a few links to important statements by RME regarding this topic) - would help a lot i think.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

The only chance of RME-Drivers being developed (by RME) is an increase of Linux-Desktops from actually about one to at least ten percent of

This is my personal opinion and no official statement.

I'm confident that this could happen soon.

not sure about that, but you never know....


RME already provides source to ALSA Project for the HDSP Series (PCI and PCIe cards).

Are you sure?

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers … Vendor-RME

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

8 (edited by sonik 2013-10-18 10:22:19)

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

And ?

This is  the story i know:

A little history many people may not know but the original
implementations - and possibly still the only implementations - of the
Linux versions of hdspmixer and hdspconf were developed by Thomas
Charbonnel while he lived in France but debugged using my HDSP 9652
here in California. This was all done I guess 5-6 years ago. thomas
didn't have a card so I set up an account on my system and let Thomas
ssh in. He wrote and compiled his code, I loaded the drivers and did
audio and visual debugging, gave him feedback, etc. When we got things
working he released the applications into the mainstream where they
have remained since. At the time that we did this work - I'm guessing
sometime in 2003 - there was no support in the card for anything above
96KHz and the version of hdspconf on my Gentoo machine still only
allows you to set a max of 96K.

and so on.............

Maybe some RME-Guys could pass by and tell us the real story, i am just curious.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

I know have read the various links you all provided.

The initial question regarding RME's position towards is dealt with in the "RME & Linux" thread linked by sonik. Most aspects regarding that topic that are on my mind were adressed there. thanks for the link.

I am confident that the market will change. And from what i read here, with a big enough userbase, rme will join in.
Imo this will be only a matter of time.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

I completely understand that RME can not or does not want to share technical details that would be needed for writing an open source driver. Also i do understand that a company does not invest a lot of manpower into a market that does not pay off (yet).

BUT: With the latest ability of the USB-devices working in CC-mode in Linux and the appearance of the iPad-app that let's you control the usb-interfaces in an at least more extended way, there is a new question that is keeping me busy:

Is it possible for RME to share the information needed for a Linux-developer to write a Linux-application like the TotalMixFX-iPad-app without exposing valuable technical data of the RME-drivers (which is not needed as the device runs in CC-mode)?

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

If there will be not only driver, but the totalmix FX to control interface DSP i am sold.

Looking onto fireface 802 but not willing to install windows just because of audio :[

I want to REALLY use Ardour and other benefits as Jack/Catia and other cool stuff.

How much it would actually cost to write this software for Linux?

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

I just found out, that without TotalMix FX you can not even switch phantom power or TRS front panel inputs on UC, UCX, UFX, 802....

At least this basic functionality should be given to Linux users just with a simple controler software with checkboxes and maybe clock setting dialog.

What we are waiting for is a possibility to use higher quality converters, not so necessarilly with TotalMix FX, although it would be great to have it as well.

Thank you.

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

I tried to connect RME 802 to Linux Manjaro running Windows 7 in Virtualbox with TotalMix FX USB.

The 802 worked immediately on W7 virtual machine, recognising the driver immediately. But I am not willing to record in Virtual machine nor Windows.... I am used to Cubase but I want to work on a session in Ardour from the start.

Under Linux only, with Phantom power turned on from Virtualbox W7 machine, I tried to connect the 802 to Jack.

RME 802 did not even shown up in lsusb command. So I suppose it has not switched to class compliant mode therefore not visible to Cadence to start Jack for this interface.

What is the decision point for 802 to turn into CC mode?

14 (edited by ramses 2015-03-05 07:46:36)

Re: Release Source Code of drivers to let community build linux drivers

You need to set it to CC mode. How should be described in the manual.

AFAIK either via Totalmix or using the ARC (Advanced Remote Control).

If you need to switch between those modes and do not have a PC with Totalmix around every time,
then you would have more benefits going directly to the UFX.

The ARC alone costs €144. The UFX is in terms of standalone fully controlable via the display.
And you can switch between those 2 modes easily.

Other advantages of the UFX you can see in the excel matrix, which compares features of USB/FW interfaces.
Look this article:

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13