Topic: HDSPe AIO dead?

After fighting with another manufacturer's interface for over a year, I stumbled across a pair of RME AIO cards and instantly snapped them up. One of them installed perfectly the first go-round, the other seems dead. Before someone asks, I did try them both in different computers, and the "dead" card plays "dead" in both, while the good card works instantly in both computers. Both computers are Windows 7, but one is a Core2Duo with PCI/PCIe slots, the other is a new Supermicro i7 computer with PCIe only. Both have 500+ watt power supplies.

The symptoms on the "dead" card are:
1) The ADAT optical output connector does not light up on power-on
2) Windows does not recognize the card is even in the system
3) Plugging an output expansion board into the header yields no lights on the expansion board when system boots

Is this a failure mode, or am I just overlooking something silly?

I realize the cards are out of warranty... Just trying to rescue a little of my investment. Loving the one good card so far, and the old interface will be hitting eBay shortly. Wish I had started with the RME.
