Topic: MIDI Control: Trim on single channels

Hi there,

i hope I checked the search function correctly and this has not been answered before.

I am using my FF800 with TotalMix as the Main Mixing Module for my Internet Radio. A BCF2000 is connected via MIDI for Remote Control.
When I'm doing interviews on the phone or via Skype, I can easily set up an n-1 line for my interview partner by using the trim function. But I did not get it to work via MIDI. Whenever I mark a channel with Trim, MIDI only controls the submix. On the n-1, volume changes are ignored then (or, even worse, there are no changes on the main mix when I'm flipping to the submix of the n-1).

So my question would be, if there's any chance of getting the MIDI to control a single fader in trim mode so that all channels are influenced. Global Trim is no possibility as there are other channels thatare used for pre-fader monitoring (e.g. mix from all microfon channels as "word mix").

I am using General MIDI with CCs at the moment, but tried it with Mackie Control, too.

Hope that there is a possibility. Thanks in advance for replies.


Re: MIDI Control: Trim on single channels

TrimGains per channel is not available. I don't understand why you can't switch on Global Trim, adjust the fader, switch off global again...

Matthias Carstens

Re: MIDI Control: Trim on single channels

Okay, thank you for the fast reply. I'll try to manage it wth global trim mode then.