Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

MC wrote:
MC wrote:


The stick itself gives a very cheap impression due to being extremely lightweight and made from simple plastic. But it includes a nice spring-supported slide mechanism to hide the connector, so no cap needed. It also has the (often missing) gap for a neck wrist. It doesn't get warm so draws not much current. And its speed...heck, I think I have to order more of these...

Your UFX looks gold plated cool
or is it an artifact of the camera ?

HDSP9632, HDSP9652, ADI-8QS, FFUC, Quadmic II


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

I use warm tone lighting in my lab. More nice especially with the nightshifts... cool

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Ta ta.... No off-topic discussions on this forum, please, or I'll have to remove them... fryingpan rotfl

Daniel Fuchs


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

i bought the cruzer extreme64, and it's pure magic indeed ! perfect ! thanks mc !

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

I recorded a live show last night with my UFX and also armed and recorded all inputs to a PNY USB 2.0 32GB flash drive through the DuRec feature. My external drive crashed the next day so I used the Batch Processor on the USB files. There is skipping throughout every minute of the audio. It sounds just like when a scratched CD skips. The audio is comletely unusable. I armed each individual input to the UFX and hit record before the show. Have I done something wrong? Why would the audio have been corrupted?


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Did you check that this stick is able to record all those channels without errors? … 57&p=2

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

I did not. My mistake. Had limited time to prepare and thought i had my bases covered with a brand new PNY USB 2.0 stick. Guess not. I did some tests today. With only 1 channel armed and recorded through DuRec I got 40 errors in a 4 minute recording. 6 errors in an 18 second recording. Could this mean the stick is simply no good? I am able to copy, transfer files with no problem from my Mac and PC but it constantly gets errors when used for DuRec recording. The Max R/W Time shows 2912ms. This doesnt sound right does it?

It is indeed formatted to FAT32 by the way. The show was insignificant and I used it as a test recording anyhow so its no biggy that the files are botched. Ill run some tests with an external 5400 and see what I come up with.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Still cannot get the PNY drive to record even 1 channel without errors. It works fine for everything else I do with it. Any other advice is appreciated.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

My UFX seems not to like powering-up 2,5" HDD's. Tried one samsung, one hitachi and another trekstore from which i do not know the built-in model, but for all of these i need external additional power to run. Is that normal? The drives make a kind of "flipping" sound, they just do say: "too less power!".
With external power / usb-sticks, durec fits all my needs (as i've got not enough mics for 32Ch and don't need 24/96).
And by the way: These UFX drivers are awesome!! I never had a soundcard that could be plugged while a computer game was running! This device just starts to play when it is ready. Maybe as well some reason for win7, but this is really, really great! Congratulations!

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Thanks for the info, MC! I'll be using my 64GB Cruzer Extreme tonight for the first time, using DUREC with 28 input channels at 44.1KHz (24-bit). My UFX will also be feeding a DAW as backup, and I'll have a known good hard drive with me just in case anything goes awry, but based on this thread, I'm very hopeful that I won't need either backup. I'll report back after the gig.

And yes, I'm doing a test run first! It's currently at 21:10, USB 32-33%, 0 errors.


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

The test is useless ast 33%. Enable more channels until it fails!

Matthias Carstens

112 (edited by ebulb 2013-05-17 09:15:27)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

i bought a sandisk cruzer extreme 16gb drive.. im just in the middle of testing it out.. I have 16 channels selected at 192,000 and it seems to be ticking over nicely with HD stable at 76%.. Does it make any difference though if the armed tracks have input signal or not when doing the test ? I know the analog channels have a little noise on them so that is technically signal but the ADAT channels have no input at all, do i need to plug in 16 ADAT signals or is the test still valid without anything plugged into the ADAT ports ?


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Test is the same with digital zero (input unused).

Matthias Carstens


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

great thanks..

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Now that the serch is over. I'd like to add a request. Can we find something with similar performances, small enough so it stays in the slot while closing the lid of the rack case.

Has anyone tried the Patriot Supersonic USB 3.0 - S-Mini. I always loose usb sticks. I would like to open the lid of the rack case and see the stick allready in there. Almost like it would be built in and that new USB 3.0 drive would do perfect. They also make the Tab 3.0 that's very small.

Has anyone tested them or something similar?



Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

An alternative would be to use a short USB extension with 90° angle connector, then mount the stick somewhere...

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

It's an alternative. I decided to get the Sandisk Extreme anyway. I would love to see the smaller minis or macros work at some point. They could just be left in and it would almost look like part of the UFX. I'm on tour right now in Australia and here things are not cheap and sometimes not distributed. I'll do some tests when I get back with smaller drives. But in the mean time if someone allready did tests with the Patriot's Tab and S-Mini, I would not waste my time and money. Also, Kingston and Sandisk makes USB 2.0 minature macro drives that I wish to test. I'll let you know but it seems the S-Minis are not distributed here.



Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

ive got a short USB extension with right angle connector and its working well.. i figure it reduces wear and tear on UFX USB port, i also had a few instances where UFX didnt recognise some USB sticks right away, i think it was down to the contacts making clean connection and the extension cable seems to have fixed that.. i have cable tied the extension into in a convenient position inside the rack, its been a good addition..

119 (edited by fbeauvaisc 2013-08-17 00:27:00)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Answer: Yes, it does! I recorded 34 tracks at 96 kHz until the stick was full (nearly two hours). The max write time never exceeded 80 ms, the USB load stayed at 80%, and subsequently there were 0 errors at the end of the recording!

Hi MC,

I just got my scandisk extreme 32gb and running some tests. How did you get to 34 tracks @ 96k? I can only get 30 channels @ 48k or 22 channels @ 96k wich seems right for smux. I don't see how it can do more.

22 channels @ 96k runs at 52% no errors 01:24:11 runtime
30 channels @ 48k runs at 35% no errors 02:03:29 runtime

Fast stick!


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

You are not aware that you can record input AND output?

Matthias Carstens

121 (edited by fbeauvaisc 2013-08-17 05:15:38)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Now I am... Amazing! Thanks! smile

122 (edited by fbeauvaisc 2013-08-18 00:12:18)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Alright so I fully tested the the 32gb Scandisk Extreme and here are the results :

22 channels @ 96k runs USB at 52% no errors 01:24:11 runtime availlable
30 channels @ 48k runs USB at 35% no errors 02:03:29 runtime availlable
34 channels @ 96k runs USB at 80% no errors 00:54:10 runtime availlable
60 channels @ 48k runs USB at 70% no errors 01:01:23 runtime availlable

Tests were done on aprox 5 min runs. Did not take time to fully let it fill up each time since similar tests were done with the 64 & 16gb versions with positive results.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Any new Thumb or flash media that works?

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

basssalad wrote:

Any new Thumb or flash media that works?


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Ok I am aware you can record the ouput, but it's not clear why one would other than for something mixed.

Care to enlighten me?


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

You can record a mix of inputs, an input sent through the reverb/delay fx bus, or audio played from the connected computer or iPad.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

127 (edited by lionfeather 2014-05-01 14:25:38)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Thank you,

I just picked up a Sandisk Cruzer Glide 64,  Did a short test of 18 tracks at 48, looks good, will be recording two two hour shows this weekend, that's my real test...

(this is usb 2.0)


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

That would be the wrong test. Record as many channels as possible now for 5 minutes and watch the error indication in the display.

Matthias Carstens

129 (edited by lionfeather 2014-05-01 14:24:27)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Ok you're right, my aforementioned test would only tell me that it does or does not work in that setting and track count.

That information would be of little benefit to anyone considering this product.

I just ran 34 channels at 96 for 10 minutes plus.  Usb load was 85 to 87 %, Zero errors, and when looking at the max R/W time for a bit it crested at 107.  Now that recording has stopped it's reading at 88ms. 

Not sure why it doesn't display the higher value I saw.

I feel confident my 18 tracks at 48 will be a breeze. Will report back after the weekend.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

I have a Kingston HyperX 64 GB USB 3.0 Stick. Although read and write performance are well in terms of sequential i/o (read 233 / write 121 MB/sec) I experienced 26 USB errors after about 5 minutes in Totalmix when recording the maximum number of tracks (60) @44.1kHz. With my Seagate Freeagent Go 512 GB Harddisk I also see 19 Erros after 10 minutes.
The HD load is at around 65% and with the Kingston Stick it was around 70%.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

131 (edited by ramses 2019-09-02 09:29:57)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

MC wrote:
MC wrote:

Correct. We never found the 'dream' stick, and I doubt it will show up soon.

Yes, it was not soon, but finally it is there! I was checking from time to time about improvements in USB 3 sticks, and found out about the

SanDisk Cruzer Extreme 64 GB

This stick seems to have the highest write rate ever (more than 160 MByte/s in real-world!), and according to its SMART values it is based on a SSD controller. The higher the write rate, the smaller the pause times during data streaming. So the question was: does that improvement also mean less pause times in USB 2 operation, making it work like a hard drive at the front port of the UFX?

Hi Matthias,

did you ever try the "successor" the PRO version ?? … 75950.html

Many Thanks

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

The product description in the link is wrong. The 'Pro' stick is only available as 128 GB version, looks different, and no I did not test it. Someone else will have to do it, I got plenty of sticks lying around...

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Got the SanDisk Extreme 64GB now. Its amazing .. 60 channels @44.1 and HD 63% and 0 errors.
Extremely cool, thanks for this recommendation thread.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Just to report in that the Sandisk Extreme Pro 128GB works great with Durec.
34 channels @ 96kHz at a fairly constant 80% load, 0 errors after extended recording times (15 mins+).
Not bad for a stick which is available at less than 90 euro (

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

I'm just throwing this in here as a warning to anybody eyeing the Sandisk Ultra Fit USB flash drives as the perfect fit for recording off the front of the Fireface UFX - DON'T DO IT. These drives have a brutally slow write delays. They appear to work for 2 channels of 1fs, but it can't even do two channels of 96k reliably. They just don't work for this, which is unfortunate because the form factor is ideal for the front panel of the UFX. I did just now dig up a post mentioning this issue, but it's unfortunate I didn't find out about these issues until it was too late to return it. ( … 593#p99593). I'm just putting this out as a warning.

Also, if anybody else has come across a similar, but working, small form USB stick that fits neatly on the front panel of the UFX, I would love to hear about it.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

UnicycleAudio wrote:

I'm just throwing this in here as a warning to anybody eyeing the Sandisk Ultra Fit USB flash drives as the perfect fit for recording off the front of the Fireface UFX - DON'T DO IT. These drives have a brutally slow write delays. They appear to work for 2 channels of 1fs, but it can't even do two channels of 96k reliably. They just don't work for this, which is unfortunate because the form factor is ideal for the front panel of the UFX. I did just now dig up a post mentioning this issue, but it's unfortunate I didn't find out about these issues until it was too late to return it. ( … 593#p99593). I'm just putting this out as a warning.

Also, if anybody else has come across a similar, but working, small form USB stick that fits neatly on the front panel of the UFX, I would love to hear about it.

I have one, … 6820239113 cheap enough and I record 5-10 tracks consistently with no problems. Not the extreme test but better than that Ultra Fit.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Austrian manufacturer Angelbird provided us with the 128 GB variety of the external SSD 2 go pocket, a USB 3 device. The drive works flawlessly with the UFX, recording 60 channels at a constant load of about 70% (USB 2, obviously). Since this did not really make the little thing break a sweat, I then tried it on my Mac, recording 390 channels across USB 3, which also worked fine.

NB: Use of this drive with the UFX requires reformatting to FAT32 (factory default is exFAT).
The Fat32Formatter software worked for me here. The drive comes with a short and slightly stiff cable with USB 3.0 Type A connectors on both sides. The drive's TBW rating of 262 TB will let you fill it up completely more than 2000 times, which would then result in a price of well under € 0.10 per 128 GB recording session...

Daniel Fuchs

138 (edited by Slipperman 2015-06-07 07:04:45)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Hello all,

Alas, the UFX fails to initalize recording with the following:
* Sandisk Extreme Pro 240 Gb SSD (SDSSDXPS-240G-G25), firmware X21200RL, S.M.A.R.T Extended diagnostics test passed with no problems
* USB 3.0 bay 2588 Series Tool free 2.5" SATA HD External Enclosure

The SSD was initialised in Windows 7 Enterprise. I have tried to format the disc in FAT 32 with both guiformat-x64, HP USB Disc Storage Format Tool 2.2.3 and with disc tool in OSX but neither seems to remedy the situation.

UFX ends up with an error message after trying to initialize and indicates 0 Gb available. UFX is updated with the latest firmware (59).

The SSD drive show no problems when used e.g. on a Mac transferring files from internal drive to this device.

Does anyone share experience with similar setup or have had success with this SSD? Could it be the disc bay that is the weak link here or what? I purchased the Sandisk based on note in the UFX manual and was quite sure that it would work. Needless to say, I'm rather surprised by the outcome.

There is nothing  wrong (I guess) with the UFX as the old 1TB WD drive was quote happy to record..

Thanks in advance,


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

You need FAT 32. No other way...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

RME Support wrote:

You need FAT 32. No other way...

Daniel Fuchs

Thanks, Daniel. All format attempts was in FAT 32. Have now added that to my post.



Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

And you have to make sure that FAT32 partition is the only one. No hidden one etc.

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

MC wrote:

And you have to make sure that FAT32 partition is the only one. No hidden one etc.

While exploring that the ssd became unresponsive to initialisation command and I identified indication of section error while trying to format in FAT32 with Mac disctool. Now waiting for replacement as there is something clearly wrong on, hopefully, this ssd individ.

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

OK, new SSD individ of the SanDisk Extreme Pro, This time a 480 Gb. Still same behavior. When I look at the disc in SanDisk SSD Dashboard there is indeed a 0,12 GB segment indicated Other. It then seems apparent that this is the segment UFX looks at and consequently resulting in FS Error the question must be: How on earth do I format the device so this is included OR how do I get the FAT32 segment to be regarded as the first. I will contact SanDisk chat as soon as they open to see if they can shed some light. Apparently HP USB Disc Storage Format Tool 2.2.3 nor disc tool in OSX has the needed capability. If any community member can give the needed hint, you're more than welcome.


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Please check the hard drive in Windows Disk Management. If the small partition doesn't show up there then this is not the problem.

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

OK, there is no indication of that part in the Disk Manager. Then I am entirely clueless.


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Me too, sorry. The SSDs mentioned in this thread (including all Crucial models that I tested myself) all worked.

Matthias Carstens

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

Please try Fat32Formatter. I've found that this software works reliably, while other means have at times not worked, for some reason (as in the test of the Angelbird SSD above).

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

148 (edited by Slipperman 2015-06-11 15:16:27)

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

RME Support wrote:

Please try Fat32Formatter. I've found that this software works reliably, while other means have at times not worked, for some reason (as in the test of the Angelbird SSD above).

Daniel Fuchs

Ah, have returned the disk. Need to focus on recording rather than Sisyfos style of labor. I will carefully read the advise in this forum thread and select another option. Without doubt the Angelbird seems to be a super alternative, but perhaps there are more affordable solution as my only requirement is that it is balanced with UFX recording capabilities.

Thanks for your support Daniel and Matthias, its very a encouraging, important and vital to be able to communicate in this way with rme professionals.

One last question: I have searched and read posts trying to find by what means you get the disc load and error indications during the media tests. Is it somewhere in the Total FX this information can be read or elsewhere?


Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

The disk load is shown in the Record View in Totalmix.

I am quite sure there is nothing wrong with your disk. The SSD I tried was also not seen when I formatted it with another program, much like here.

As you can see in this thread, finding a usable USB pen drive can be dfifficult. My alternative is using an SD card reader, you will find posts about that here in this thread. Very stable disk load, no interruptions, good performance.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: USB recording media recommendation for UFX - pen drives etc.

RME Support wrote:

The disk load is shown in the Record View in Totalmix.

I am quite sure there is nothing wrong with your disk. The SSD I tried was also not seen when I formatted it with another program, much like here.

As you can see in this thread, finding a usable USB pen drive can be dfifficult. My alternative is using an SD card reader, you will find posts about that here in this thread. Very stable disk load, no interruptions, good performance.

Daniel Fuchs

Thanks Daniel, I will take my next step carefully. Can't help but thinking that a more tolerant approach on the DUREC side would be one way to approach the subject. For a layman it seems a bit odd that there are more that needs to be specified than "FAT32, first partition" in order to pinpoint the technical requirements for correct operation. An adhoc process matching media with different formatting tools is rather unsatisfactory.
