Topic: MADI FX / ProTools 11 Issues
Hi All,
I am dealing with a HDSPe MADI FX and ProTools 11 Software.
Everything works pretty fine except if I declick "Ignore Errors Druing Playback/Record" in Playback Engine Panel.
Then, as soon as I closed the window, Pro Tools will quits.
Then, I won't be able to turn on Pro Tools anymore (I get this error : "IO channel count for current playback device has changed. Please restart Pro Tools") unless I trash its prefs.
Does it happen only to my config, or is it a known problem ?
Should I consider this as a bug from Protools or from the HDSPe driver ?
I haven't find anything regarding this issues.
Any help welcome.
PT HD 11 Software 11.3.1, MADI FX, firmware v88, Driver 1.17, Mac OS 10.8.5