Topic: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)


I have 3 HDSPe cards (with Multifaces) using 4.0.4 drivers on OS X 10.10.3.

The audio channel order and MIDI device order keeps randomly swapping by card. I.e. card 2 becomes card 3 and vice versa, on a random basis.

Is this a known issue? Any way to fix the order?

This is really annoying because I have 24 channels of inputs I'm having to remap potentially each boot.


Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

You use which driver version?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Like I said in my opening post - 4.0.4.


Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Sorry, overlooked that. We have added several workarounds in the last driver versions to prevent this exact problem, and it worked for the people that reported that problem.

It would be helpful to see the names that OS X gives to the three cards, either by a screenshot of the Settings dialog, or a screenshot of the System Report (About this Mac...), where these are listed under Audio.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Will do when I get home.

I should mention that this might be a slightly unusual system, in that it's a 2013 Mac Pro (the cylinder version) and the HDSPe cards are in a Sonnet Echo Express III-D Thunderbolt chassis.

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Here you go (if this DropBox link works):

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Also, it's possible that the "Default input channel" may have moved to the second card.

Not sure, but I thought I'd set that to the ...0322 card.

I didn't have my external USB streaming synths connected when I took that screen-grab.

I typically have a Virus Ti, a Korg Kronos, a Line6 HD500X and a Roland TD30 connected. I only tend to use the Virus' plug-in for streaming though. They're mostly just using MIDI over USB. I also have a Moog Minitaur using MIDI over USB.

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Any further thoughts, given the info you asked for MC?


Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Yes. We have an idea that we would like you to test. Driver will be available in a few days.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Cool - thanks!

Just let me know.

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Also, whenever I run Cubase up with an existing project, it needs the MIDI device re-mapping. Similarly seems to be forgetting whatever reference / handle it used previously.


Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Here is a reworked driver for you to test:

We improved the handling of the so called GlobalUniqueID. You will not see a change in the visible card names, the changes are relevant to processes in the system. With a bit of luck your cards are now clearly identified by the system and no longer swap.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)


It might be tomorrow before I can give this a try, but will let you know.

14 (edited by Purusha 2015-07-06 19:12:19)

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

OK - I *think* that's got the audio right, but MIDI ports still have to be selected in "missing ports" every time I start-up Cubase after an OS X shutdown or restart.

I'll probably have to re-start a few times to properly make sure that audio's OK, but on 5 shut-downs, re-starts and run-ups it looks OK so far.

15 (edited by Purusha 2015-07-13 14:01:16)

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

I'm afraid it's still jumping around in terms of audio card order (on top of the MIDI issues).

It's moving around on TotalMix as well as in Cubase.

Hard to say if it's better or worse than before at this point.

Especially the first and second cards, but I have had instances where synths connected to card 1 have appeared on card 3 in TotalMix.

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Any more thoughts on this one MC?

I think there has been an improvement in ordering, but because occurrences of re-ordering seem to be intermittent and random, it's hard to tell.

It hasn't re-ordered since my previous post.

I've also started using another MIDI I/O mechanism to get around the MIDI problems described above.

17 (edited by Purusha 2015-07-25 21:39:37)

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

More info.

It's actually looking reasonably stable in Cubase and Ableton Live.

What's actually moving around (just to make it confusing), is the order of the cards in TotalMix!

The reason this has been causing me confusion (I think), is that I use TotalMix to control the main output volume to my monitors.


Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Ok, we will have a look again after the summer holidays. TM should rely on the system infos, but maybe we overlooked something. It is already encouraging that the other change seemed to have worked.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

Just thought I'd update on where I am on this issue.

So, due to problems I was having with USB on my Mac Pro (e.g. Virus Ti not working in plug-in mode and Cubase / iLok dongles not working on a hub), I decided to try El Capitan beta (currently PB6, although a new version was released today).

This has vastly improved my USB problems. It's also made my Sequentix Cirklon usable as a MIDI interface for DAW work. Timing on MIDI clock and events is now very good indeed using this method.

So, I've stopped using the Multiface MIDI ports.

I'm also not using Totalmix, preferring to control volume using other methods.

The ordering of the cards regarding audio channel, in Cubase and Ableton, seems to be OK with current drivers.

Totalmix still seems to get confused.

There's also still the problem of MIDI ports not being able to re-attach when loading a previous project after reboot. That's not causing me immediate problems since my Cirklon works OK in this respect.

Re: HDSPe card order keeps swapping (OS X)

The MIDI ordering is still failing after a reboot.

Cubase loses the RME MIDI ports and I have to re-select them.

Any up-to-date thoughts on where the problem lies? RME, Cubase or the Mac itself?