Topic: How to "Merge" Software Playbacks and Inputs
So im using my Fireface 802 in our band rehearsals to create individual mixes for all musicians.
Currently im using 7 individual Mixes: 8 RME Outs + 6 Outs that i get using another card connected with ADAT.
Ive miced all Guitar amps + Vocal Mics + Drums and set up 4 Tablets with TouchOSC (wifi) for musicians to control their mix.
All is working perfect and we love to play like this.
Now here´s my problem. I am the Keyboard Player, so i use 2 Keyboard (4x Analog Inputs) plus VSts (1 Software Playback).
For other musicians to control the level of "Keyboards" i had merge all into a single input, which mean i use two mono cables to connect from one stereo output to one stereo input. That stereo output is a mix i do just for all keys, and then by connecting that mix to one hardware input i get a single input stereo channel with all key, this way all musicians only need to adjust the volume of this Input to control "Keyboards" volume.
My question is simple, instead of using actual real cables to route a stereo out to a stereo in is there any way to do this in Totalmix without having to waste 2 Outs and 2 Ins ? Im running realllllyyyy short on Ins and Outs to waste them like that.
I initially thought i could group all keyboard related tracks using the grouping thing but it doesnt work individual per Mix.
Any advice would be great!
Im currently trying to figure if the Loopback function would be useful in this situation.
My Band: