Topic: MadiFace-->SSL XLogic Alpha - 2FS Failure
On remote with Pyramix Native 9.1.5 and expecting my PCIe MadiFace to work as usual connecting to SSL XLogic Alpha Madi. For some reason my settings on the RME changed and I could not get the RME mixer to work properly and drive the inputs correctly on the Pyramix.
- Set up project at 96khz and notice the channels are not all coming in, and there is a doubling occurring on the RME mixer page - Channels 1-4 are doubling on 17-20. Channels 5-7 are not coming in for some reason even though the meters on the SSL input are showing they are working. Also I suspect the channels coming in are not the same as what is being sent from SSL.
- Reduce project to 48khz and now all channels show, but double staring at channel 33 on the RME mixer.
- Load the latest RME MadiFace driver and same result - 96khz doesn't allow for proper channel recognition, but 48 does, even though they are doubled staring at channel 33 on the RME mixer.
Has anyone else had this problem? Also what is the cause? I was always able to record 24 channels of 96khz using the SSL-->RME MadiFace PCIe-->Pyramix Native in my Dell Laptop but it seems there was a Windows 7 Pro update that caused this issue? possible? Is it an RME Hardware driver update issue? Solutions?
I need to record at higher resolution 2FS and am heading back to the session this evening. Any help would be appreciated.