Topic: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

I use RME Totalyzer/Vector Audioscope for analysis. It seems sometimes the meters get stuck in M-S mode.

HDSP 9652 ADAT1/2 -> Babyface AS1/2. In totalyzer I select HDSP ADAT 1/2 Playback for monitoring.

In TotalMix FX settings there's no M-S Proc activated anywhere. I open Digicheck Totalyzer.

Now randomly the Totalyzer gets into M-S mode and it seems the Left channel will show much louder than the right channel. I tested this by playing a click signal in my DAW and in Left most pan, it shows Mid only signal, and in the right most, it shows Sides only signal.

To reset this, I have to select a different function in DiGICHECK and then come back to Totalyzer again. Then it works fine (L/R behavior consistent with DAW meters). Very annoying as I rely on this tool quite a bit.

Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

Bump - This is a confirmed bug, not user error afaik.


Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

Try version 5.81:

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

Tried it - didn't work.

Attaching image showing the problem with v5.81

While the song is playing, I screen cap'd Vector Scope, then switched to Totalyzer and screen cap'd it. Actually this MS-mode is welcome, but it would be great as an option that is controllable by the user in the GUI instead of randomly showing up.


Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

To reset this it is not enough to simply stop/start the audio engine? Power button in the top bar.

Can you verify that when opening the Input Device Setup all Settings are the same in normal and wrong operation?

Basically this seems to be a performance problem. The transfer of playback data to DIGICheck is no longer in sync. This is an extra function that does not influence the normal audio buffers. But it also never showed up on other machines AFAIK (I use Totalyser exactly like this on various machines daily!). So a fix is impossible as long as we can not reproduce it.

Can you please check if this problem only shows up when using the HDSP as source? Maybe with the Babyface (different driver) it is stable. Then at least we get an idea where to search.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

Doh! It looks like there's an M/S setting in the goniometer in the Vector Scope that isn't present in the Totalyzer. So whenever I used the totalyzer the issue wouldn't appear. Only in the Vector Scope it showed up. Once I turned the setting off, it went away.

But I don't recall seeing this M/S setting in the previous version. And I hope there's no shortcut for it because I can accidentally trigger it leading to this confusion.


Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

How does your last post correlate to this statement from your first post:

> Now randomly the Totalyzer gets into M-S mode

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help! DIGICHECK Totalyser seems to get stuck in M-S mode randomly.

MC wrote:

How does your last post correlate to this statement from your first post:

> Now randomly the Totalyzer gets into M-S mode

I didn't know there was an ms setting in vector scope. I assumed the settings are the same
as in totalyzer since vector scope is a subset of totalyzer. But turns out vector scope has its own ms mode.

I just knew it went into ms mode based on how the meters looked, not based on any setting. That's why I mentioned it would be cool to have this as an option instead of happening randomly.