Topic: SPDIF Ques


W7 Ult 64 SP1 HDSPe AIO PCIe.

Looking to come out of the card and go into an Avocet. I have the BO9632 cable:

- connected, and am coming out of the red jack, using a SPDIF cable. But I have no input on the Avocet. Analog out of the BO9632XLRMKH cable to analog in of the Avocet works as expected.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Re: SPDIF Ques

Connect red with white to check that a signal is coming out and back in.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by riffwraith 2016-01-23 16:30:08)

Re: SPDIF Ques

Thanks for the reply.

First off, apologies, it is actually the  BO968 cable that I have. I assume that should not make a diff?

Did what you recommended; and no signal is coming out and back in. I also tried the XLR connectors, and no signal is coming out and back in there either, but that was with a standard pin2-hot XLR cable. Do I need a diff cable there?

Tried doing the loopback with the BO9632XLRMKH - and that worked as expected.

Any other suggestions in the meantime? Do I need to do anything in the TMFX to get it to "see" the other breakout cable?

Thanks again.


Re: SPDIF Ques

You are aware that you have to set the correct input in the Settings dialog? Also for the Loopback test make sure the card is set to internal clock.

How do you know that no signal is coming out of the XLR? You routed something to that output in TotalMix? You saw a signal in the Input Status of the Settings dialog?

Matthias Carstens

Re: SPDIF Ques

Ok, so I am obviously not doing this right.

The card is set to internal clock.

"You are aware that you have to set the correct input in the Settings dialog"

Settings dialog - where? Which one; there are several.


Re: SPDIF Ques

'Settings dialog' refers to the RME hardware configuration dialog where you set the AIO to clock mode master. And also see the Input Status after connecting something to whatever digital input. So simply plugging XLR In to Out MUST show a signal in the AES line. Here you also have to select the SPDIF Input as coming from the optical or the coaxial input.

If the SPDIF loop works then the next step would be to try the white one as output instead of the red one. I wouldn't rule out that the breakout cable is internally connected the wrong way.

Matthias Carstens