Topic: HDSP MADI with Logic/DiGiCo

Hello all,
       I am looking at purchasing the following equipment to interface with our DiGiCo DS00 but I wanted to make sure everything would be compatible before pulling the trigger. Any thoughts or knowledge would be very much appreciated.

G5 PowerPC Dual 2.3 GHz OS X 10.5.2
Logic 8
DiGiCo DS00

I am not worried about the console talking to the HDSP MADI but wanted to check on the PCI card working with OS X 10.5.2 as well as if the card played well with Logic 8. Thanks very much for your input!

Will Barnette

jazz89 KUVO Denver


Re: HDSP MADI with Logic/DiGiCo

Basically it works. There will be a driver update with a small fix for the card's settings dialog soon, which prevents it from stealing memory. Else no problem.

Matthias Carstens