Topic: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

Hi there!

I'm just trying to recall my fireface snapshots using midi, or control the volume. But after almost 2 hours I just can't figure out how!

- "Enable Midi control" is checked

- in settings I have selected the right midi device

- Mackie Control is unchecked

- Disable midi in background is unchecked

- My controller works right with other apps in the same computer

- I have read carefully the 84  User's Guide Fireface UCX  28.5 MIDI Control chapter, using the note numbers it says for each parameter.

Please!! What am I doing wrong? I need this to work.

Thanks a lot!!!



Re: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

Mackie needs to be on.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

Mackie Control Options
Enable Protocol Support.
When disabled TM FX will only react on the Control Change commands of chapter   28.5

Re: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

Hi!, I meant "Mackie Control Options", but it makes no change if I check "Enable protocol support" or whatever.

I have done all this:

Open the Preferences dialog
Select the MIDI Input
and MIDI Output port
where your controller is connected to.
When no feedback is needed select NONE as MIDI Output.
Enable MIDI Control
in the Options menu.

My controller works perfect with all other apps in my computer, it sends NOTE ON G3 Ch.1

That should activate snapshot N2, right??

I don't know why it doesn't do anything...




Re: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

You might need to send G4. And it must be full velocity.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Help please! UCX midi control... no way...

Thanks a lot, I got it... I was trying using IAC driver with Max/msp sending 55-127-1 note, but no way... it only worked from my external controller.

Thanks again!