1 (edited by riffwraith 2016-03-25 16:47:20)

Topic: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR


RME HDSPe AIO with Windows7 Ult 64 bit.

I currently use an RME BO9632XLRMKH breakout cable XLR to the input of my Cranesong Avocet. What I would like to do is have that XLR pair go elsewhere (other ext. gear, that will be patched to the input of the RME card), and come out of the RME card to the Avocet via spdif, for monitoring. Unfortunately, there is no spdif on the aforementioned cable.

I tried in the past to get spdif working with another breakout cable, pictured here (top):


I am not completely convinced that it is an RME cable; it doesn't have the white labeling, and may very well be from somewhere else. That could explain why I was unable to get spdif working.

In any event, the other cable (bottom) is an RME cable; it was included with the card in the box. That does not have  spdif either, and even if it did, it will not fit in to the available connector on the card.

Is there a 9-pin cable with  spdif that I can use here? If not, what are my other options?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

The upper one is the correct cable for SPDIF I/O.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Thanks for the reply.

I am not sure if that cable works. It appears to be the correct one; the end has the identical contour and profile as the other RME cables. Recently, we had this:


I am still not understanding if I am doing something wrong, or if the cable is in fact wired wrong.

Let's start with XLR. I have: XLR out > cable, and cable > XLR in. Basically, a loopback. When I play system audio, should I be seeing anything in the TMFX other than what is normally there?


Do I need to do anything in the TMFX? Anything in the DSP settings window?



Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Are you talking about SPDIF (RCA) or AES (XLR)? Or even analog on XLR, which will not work with that cable? To further help it might be useful to follow the advice in the other thread and check your connections as described there.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Or even analog on XLR, which will not work with that cable?

So any old XLR cable will not do? If not, that is probably why it is not working. I was not aware that there is  a difference with 3-pin XLR cables.

I am talking about SPDIF (RCA)

Going back to the other thread:

Connect red with white to check that a signal is coming out and back in.

That seems not to work - unless I am doing something wrong.

Play system audio, set DSP settings to internal clock, plug SPDIF (RCA) cable to SPDIF (RCA) in/out on the RME breakout cable

I see audio in the TMFX as above. Should I be seeing something else? How do I see whether or not the loopback test is working properly? I checked the manual, to no avai.

Thank you.


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Every proper XLR cable will work, but XLR here is digital (AES/EBU), not analog, so what are you using this for when all you want to do is SPDIF? I still fear you get this conector wrong.

In the other thread you missed to check the Input Status shown in the Settings dialog when doing the RCA loopback cable. Before you can see audio in TotalMix you need to see an SPDIF input signal in there.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by riffwraith 2016-03-26 17:34:54)

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Every proper XLR cable will work, but XLR here is digital (AES/EBU), not analog, so what are you using this for when all you want to do is SPDIF? I still fear you get this conector wrong.

Ummm....????  I was testing with XLR just to see if the breakout cable is working. That's all.

So, I don't see anything in the DSP settings called "input status". I see:

1. AES/SPDIF in with TMS as an option
2. SPDIF in with Op, Co and Int as options

So, "input status" does not compute for me here.

I plugged a SPDIF (RCA) cable to SPDIF (RCA) in/out on the RME breakout cable, and I have tried all of the above options.

The one thing I simply do not understand is this:

what should I be looking for? Something in the TMFX? What and where?

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

not quite sure what you're trying to achieve...
there are 2 analog (15 pins) breakout cables for AiO available:
1) balanced BO9632XLRMKH - 2x XLR analog in, 2x XLR analog out, 1x MIDI in, 1x MIDI out, 1x Phones
2) unbalanced BO9632CMKH - 2x RCA analog in, 2x RCA analog out, 1x MIDI in, 1x MIDI out, 1x Phones
in the image you posted, the top breakout cable (9 pins) is for DIGITAL signal:
BO968 - 1x RCA digital in, 1x RCA digital out, 1x XLR digital in, 1x XLR digital out

you cannot obviously mix those, you could even blow off your gear !
what you could do is to get RCA<->XLR (balanced) cable adapters

HDSPe AIO, ADI-2 DAC, Fireface UFX, Octamic D, Octamic II
Reaper, Windows 11, M2 Studio


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

riffwraith wrote:

So, I don't see anything in the DSP settings called "input status". I see:

Please post a screenshot of your Settings dialog.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

tzzsmk wrote:

not quite sure what you're trying to achieve...

Me neither. Ultimately, I am trying to get two things working.

To start, I want to get spdif out to my Avocet. That does not work, so going back to that other thread, MC said to Connect red with white to check that a signal is coming out and back in. So, I guess I am trying to do a loopback test here? But again, I am not sure what to look at to see if this is working.

Here is a screenshot of my Settings dialog:



Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Makes me wonder why you claim to have no Input Status when it is clearly visible and also clearly shows your loopback works perfectly.

Does the Avocet have some kind of SPDIF In status LED? Are you sending an audio signal over the SPDIF hardware output in TotalMix FX?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Makes me wonder why you claim to have no Input Status when it is clearly visible and also clearly shows your loopback works perfectly.

The pic of the TMFX from above is when I was trying the XLR cable. That pic is not of the loopback test with the spdif cable, and is the same thing I see when I am playing back system audio and not doing any loopback test. So it appears as tho the loopback test does not do anything.

Does the Avocet have some kind of SPDIF In status LED?


Are you sending an audio signal over the SPDIF hardware output in TotalMix FX?

Well, all hardware output faders are up in TMFX. Do I need to be doing anything else  to send an audio signal over the SPDIF hardware output?


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

> The pic of the TMFX

shows you did not route the audio from playback channels 1/2 to the SPDIF hardware output - or play audio from whatever software directly on those channels. Please study the manual or watch our online videos on how to use TotalMix FX.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P … nSXF_f8UB6

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

I did read the manual. 24: Routing and monitoring. I didn't see the part where it specifically shows how to route the audio from playback channels 1/2 to the SPDIF hardware output.

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P … nSXF_f8UB6

Which vid?


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Usage in mode Submix View (Default): simply click on the hardware output channel where you want to have an audio signal. This channel turns brighter, means it is selected as current submix. Now move the faders up from all sources - input and playback channels - that you want to hear at the submix output.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Yeah, no - I am not getting this. Sorry. With all faders up, I still see what I see in the pic posted above. Nothing has changed whatsoever. This is not telling me how to get audio  out of the card spdif rca. I thought I was doing a loopback test to see... I don't even know at this point what I am trying to see.

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Riff, the sync 48k for spdif says the spdif is working. So don't worry about that. Now you really need to understand the mixer 100%. So try...without understanding it you will always struggle and doubt the hardware and cables. Trust me when I say,once you get it its easy!!!! One tip. in submix view, you click on an output pair and al input and software faders are only for that submix/output pair. So click on the spdif output pair,then you can route audio to it. With the loopback in place,that will show upon the spdif input, but only if you first see it on the spdif output. Once you get that you can connect the spdif to your external gear.
Hope this helps!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

it's just about understanding the TotalMix - it's totally okay to feel confused in the beginning,
basically TotalMix FX has 3 rows:
1) hardware inputs
2) software playback
3) hardware outputs
now, when you use TotalMix in SUBMIX mode, basically if you click a hardware output, then whole TotalMix shows how faders are set to this specific output - there you can adjust what you need (you by default level meters set, should also see input indicators no matter if you mute/solo or adjust volume of any input channels)

HDSPe AIO, ADI-2 DAC, Fireface UFX, Octamic D, Octamic II
Reaper, Windows 11, M2 Studio

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Thanks guys. This is really, really getting to me.

in submix view

How do I get there? There is nothing in any menu that has the word "submix" (save for submix linked to MIDI or OS), and the manual says the following:

Such a wide range of possibilities make it difficult to maintain the overview. Because practically all hardware outputs can be used for different submixes, as shown (up to 10 completely independent stereo submixes, 4 4-channel submixes etc.). And when opening the routing windows  you might see an army of checkmarks, but you don't get an overwiev, i.e., how the signals come
together and where. This problem is solved by Submix Viewmode. In this mode, all routing fileds jump to the routing pair just being selected. You can then see immediately, which channels, which fader and pan settings make a submix (for example 'AN 1+2'). At the same time the Submix View simplifies setting up the mixer, as all channels can be set simultaneously to the same routing destination with just one click.

Ok, so it says, "This problem is solved by Submix Viewmode." Nowhere in the manual do I see how to get to submix mode. The only two modes I see are Mixer view and Matrix.

20 (edited by riffwraith 2016-03-30 02:58:29)

Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Ok, got it. Jeez-Louise  mad

I still have no idea what Submix Viewmode is, but that's ok.


THAT is how it needs to be done. That is routing Analog 1/2 out to SPDIF. That's not exactly what the GUI is showing me, which is/was part of the confusion. But that's what it is. And here is the kicker - even after I know how to do this, and understand it,  I went back to the manual thinking that this was on me; thinking that  the manual would in fact   tell me how to do this. It does not. I am not exactly sure why it doesn't, but it doesn't.

Sorry if I seemed a bit testy, but this is waaaaaaay to friggin' complicated. And it doesn't need to be. Yeah, it's easy once you get it - like anything else - but this is just stupid. A Neve VR - which I have experience on - is not this complicated. hmm

Thank you.


Re: Cabling Q re: spdif and XLR

Go back to the first picture of TM FX that you posted above. In the upper right corner 'Submix' is already active. In the lowest row labelled 'Hardware Outputs' channels An 1/2 are selected. You completely ignored just one little sentence: click on the channels SPDIF, in that row. I quote:

simply click on the hardware output channel where you want to have an audio signal. This channel turns brighter, means it is selected as current submix.

Matthias Carstens