1 (edited by Burtan 2021-02-01 21:35:59)

Topic: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates


OSCAR is a OSC-Controller coming with predesigned TotalMixFX templates.
It also offers some unique features like daisy chaining OSC and graphically displaying the TMFX EQ settings.
Have fun with it!

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Looks nice. Are you planning to make any "Try Before Buy" version of your app? There is a lot off android applications which are not functioning properly ( or do not work at  all...) on some hardware. So you should consider something like LITE and PRO versions. Then it is a bigger chance that somebody will try it and then buy it... Not every body likes to pay money to see that app is unusable wink
Anyway, it is a very nice that some people try to develop some serious applications not only for iThings...

3 (edited by Burtan 2013-09-19 16:17:46)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

There is always a 15min test phase. Should be enough to set up wlan and try it once?
Actually it seems to be possible to cancel a purchase even after these 15min with the agreement of the seller.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Ok, I followed your request and uploaded a TRIAL version.
It randomly disables (makes them untouchable) widgets and colours their foreground grey.
I hope this allowes everybody to test his device :-)

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates


OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

6 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-03 04:38:40)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

have you developed this from scratch or reworked something from touchOSC ? It looks the same as touchOSC and almost identical layout to the existing templates.. Besides the EQ curve what other points of difference are there in terms of features ?

7 (edited by Burtan 2013-12-03 08:04:37)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Both, the application and the layouts are made from scratch. The TouchOSC layout was made by RME and is adapted to the OSC-features of TMFX, thus even if I wanted, there is not much to change. Even though, I think OSC-Commander has some advantages over TouchOSC:

- better layout management: you can add as many pages as you want and switch between them using a sidebar.
- dual OSC-ports: this can be used for daisy chaining several devices which are in sync then or to communicate with more than one software. A very nice Reaper mixer layout is also delivered by default, you can use it simultaniously with the TMFX layout.
- better touch recognition: The faders from OSC-Commander still react if you touch on the VU meter next to them. That is not the case for TouchOSC.
- better OSC-settings management: You can save your OSC-settings in profiles or let them automatically change depending on the WLAN SSID. Thus you can have different settings for live and studio (if you use different WLAN SSIDs there) which are automatically recalled.

Of course there is also an editor which allows you to create your own layouts. It has also some features, TouchOSC misses.
- Seemless zooming option
- edit multiple layouts in different tabs
- a widget list, which can really help on complex layouts
- more multiedit functions
- more widget design features, including images
- more OSC design features like scaling options and multiple messages for one widget
- platform independence, written in Java, it runs on windows, mac and linux

That's all I can say by heart now ;-). My TouchOSC experience is for version 1.8.1 on the iPad, but I think there hasn't change much since. Otherwise please correct me.

Best regards,

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

8 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-22 17:12:33)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

when you say seamless zooming option do you mean its possible to zoom the screen size on the tablet to allow finer control of pots such as EQ gain ? I have found touchOSC can be finicky and innacurate with some changes..

Also is there a way of making a template which has some functions that control totalmix and also some other functions that control reaper from within the same layout ? I think thats what you described in your list but just want to confirm... I would like to be able to make a template that has volume and mute features controlling totalmix alongside tranport (play/stop) control for reaper and also an ability to jump to marker locations on reapers timeline..  All from the same screen if possible..

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

i tired downloading your editor but all i see after extracting the zip file is a few  .jar files ? am i supposed to go to a command line prompt to try and run it ?

10 (edited by Burtan 2013-12-23 07:15:59)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Hi ebulb,

seemless zooming is just and option of the editor, sorry for that.

I did not try to make a layout with for example Reaper and TMFX on the same screen but that should work. You can try all these things using the trial which has the same features beside randomly rendering some widgets useless.

Edit.: Windows should be able to run it by double clicking. On Linux it depends on your distribution. I don't own a Mac, so I can't tell for that.

On linux it would be: "java -jar "osc-commander-file"

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

11 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-23 08:16:28)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

thanks for the reply.. im really interested in learning how to run UFX and reaper controls from one OSC layout.. in OSC Commander do you individually setup each button or fader to send to the OSC command a specific network port while designing a layout ? or does it work some other way ?  For example if i have a master volume that i want to use for totalmix level control and play/stop buttons for reaper.. how do i only send master volume to UFX and the play/stop data only to reaper ?  I dont want reaper to recieve any volume control messages..

i tried to run the editor by double click on .jar file and nothing happened.. i also tried with this..  java -jar and then the 3 files in the folder which were


None of them worked with command line either.. when i run them it says "no main manifest attribute" ?  I have the latest version of java (version 7) installed, i am running windows XP...  Is it possible to just make a .exe file for the editor ?

12 (edited by Burtan 2013-12-23 08:22:06)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

There are two global OSC port/ip options. When enabled, OSC-Commander sends messages to both. As Reaper and TMFX don't share the same OSC messages, they should not interfere with each other.
Afaik you have to choose different ports for Reaper and TMFX as otherwise only one application would be listening.

Regarding your editor problem. I think you have extracted the topmost .jar file, as the files you are mentioning are part of it.
Try double clicking the topmost .jar file. Should be the one you mentioned to be a .zip.

I thought that a .jar file would not be a problem for users, but it seems to be. I'll make an installer for future versions.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

13 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-23 09:20:35)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

ok thanks.. even if reaper and UFX used any of the same commands i think you can make a custom reaper OSC file to change the reaper commands to something else.. Im not 100% sure as im only learning but i dont think it will be a problem..

In regards to the editor.. I downloaded every package off your site.... the 1.2.3 link off your webpage is different, it gives me 1 single .jar file which is called

OSC-Commander-Editor v1.2.3.jar

double clicking that file works but all the other packages dont work.. they all have the 3 seperate .jar files as well as some sub folders and nothing happens when i click them..  i will give the editor a go now and hopefully get something going.. thanks.

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

I have just added a windows installer.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

15 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-23 11:46:18)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Thanks installer works no probs..

It seems like Reaper by default uses the same commands for volume as UFX so i think faders would move both UFX and Reaper at same time even though they are receiving on different ports..  This shouldnt be a problem cause i believe you can change the way Reaper responds to OSC commands via the .reaperOSC file.. I havent tried it yet but will give it a go..

I was wondering, have you considered a way of grouping widgets for each network port ? Then as you build a layout you could have checkboxs for the user to select which group the widget was in (A or B or both) then messages only transmit on specific port... Is this feasable ? I think it would cut down on the data and also make it easier for people to build one layout to control multiple programs..  In this case i think its no problem as you can customise reapers OSC config file but if someone was trying to run two other applications from one layout it may not work if the commands conflicted..

I also like the idea transmitting on 2 ports means i could run UFX and something like DMX lights from one tablet interface.. really handy for small live PA setups..

16 (edited by Burtan 2013-12-23 12:09:07)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Great to here that it works. I was able to run the Reaper Layout at them same time with the TMFX layout (for my Babyface) and I did not encounter any disturbances, although these layouts have not been on the same page.

Initially I created the dual server principle to enable daisy chaining, communicating with several devices was just a nice side effect. I'm thinking about letting the user create as many servers as he wants and being able to decide per widget which server to communicate with. Although cross communication between servers should be user defined.
However, this would take some time and is not on top of my priority list. So far, I think that using two servers will work for most cases.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

17 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-23 15:31:38)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

yeah two servers as you have already is nice feature.. being able to customise the widgets to send on different port(s) would be very nice also.. i'll spend a couple of days on building a layout after xmas.. thanks for all your help..

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

The default layouts now support default value recall on double tap for knobs and faders.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

19 (edited by ebulb 2013-12-30 13:05:01)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

hey Burtan... I have been toying round with OSC Commander a bit today. Wanted to mention something..

The graphics for me appear stretched vertically.. In your first post on this thread i can see the pan and fx controls are perfect circles, on my tablet they look like oval egg shapes and also some small writing like EQ values on the channel strip window dont look sharp.. It looks a bit like a computer monitor that is not set to its native resolution. My tablet is Acer A1 which is 7.9" screen so maybe this size is unusual in some way ?

from what i have seen the app so far is really cool.. Im going to work on a custom layout in the editor over the next couple of days and hopefully get a hybrid reaper/UFX layout going.

EDIT: i just read my tablet has a 4:3 aspect ratio with screen resolution of 1024x768, its just a cheap tablet and i didnt even pay attention to this stuff when i got it but thats why it looks stretched.. when i rescale the default totalmix templates in the editor to the resolution of my screen they appear with the same egg shape as on the tablet..   

I noticed i can select all the pan control in one go though and just rescale them to look like circles again. So not too big a deal.. Its strange though touchOSC didnt do this with the default layouts i loaded with it ? Is there a way of the app being able to adjust for different screen resolutions automatically ?

Aside from that I really like the fact i can grab and edit multiple widgets, i couldnt seem to do that with touchOSC. So rescaling things  in the editor isnt hard..

20 (edited by Burtan 2013-12-30 13:40:00)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

The default layouts are all designed for 16:10 because 16:10 and 16:9 are the most often used formats on android tablets afaik. I can imagine that the TouchOSC layouts are designed for 4:3 as the iPad is 4:3 and therefore they don't look stretched on your tablet.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

21 (edited by ebulb 2014-01-02 11:15:59)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

I have been playing round with the app a fair bit.. Its seems like much better option than touchOSC for android. I wanted ask if you might consider making the scroll wheel on mouse be able to adjust knob/fader values like in Totalmix ?  When you select an EQ gain pot in totalmix and scroll up once it moves the value 0.5db.. Same with faders they move a precise value.. It would help provide more accuracy of control on tablet..

I already like how the knobs respond in OSC commander where you touch the middle and then can drag up and down the whole screen, it allows for better resolution than touchOSC.. But fingers on tablet can be a bit hit and miss getting a setting right.. For that reason i tried the mouse and it has been an improvement but would be great if the scroll wheel worked also for fine increments..

Also with the mouse button when i try to press a button in OSC commander its very unresponsive.. I might press it 10 times and seems like it randomly works and sometimes doesnt work at all..  when i touch the button with finger it works right away and then when i return to the mouse button after touching the screen it seems to work better ??

The other thing i wanted to mention is really nice is your editor.. Far better than touchOSC..

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

So you are using a mouse attached to the android device? I know that is possible, but I have never done it. A friend of mine has an adapter cable thus I can try it. I will check out the possibilities for it.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

yeah mouse attached to android... i just bought an OTG USB cable and plugged mouse in, worked straight away.

24 (edited by ebulb 2014-01-16 03:14:22)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

is there a way of easily aligning widgets in the editor so they are nice and straight and proportionately sized ? I know you have x, y, z and height, width where you can type exact values but its tedious when you have lots of widgets and you want to get everything neat and well laid out.. Something like  "align" and "center" functions would really help to make things neater..

also being able to move the widget with up/down/left/right arrows would be good for finer adjustments.. those buttons at the moment move the location of the editing window ??

I hope it doesnt sound like im complaining just expressing what i think would help improve it..  Your app is awesome and easily the best Android OSC app out there..

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

I have a Ufx and I'm new to this osc thing. Will this app work on an android phone? I need to install on my pc then install app on phone? What settings do I change in TMEFX?

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Please have a look at this description.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates


I want to control TM and Samplitude with my android phone, but Samplitude does not have OSC, do i need a midi to osc converter or commander can do this? Do you recommend some easy program if commander cant do these?

Thank you!

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Connection works, but i only get main Screen. How to enter channelstrip / fx-edit Windows?

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Orgelmatt wrote:

Connection works, but i only get main Screen. How to enter channelstrip / fx-edit Windows?

- Solved - in the Settings toggle-controls can be activated, but they take a bit of the Screen below.

Another item:

In the Channel Strip, it woud be nice inactive controls to be "shaded" and sure not active!
f.e. One can move the "fx send" knob when an Output is selected. In tmfx an Output cannot be routed to the fx-in. (That would cause bad Feedback...).

But all in all: A GREAT THING !!

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

OSC Commander ist very good with the RME TMFX Templates.

Seems that the developer is no longer active? It would be very nice to see some improvements oder new templates.

31 (edited by skyforger91 2016-10-16 16:54:14)

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Just purchased the app a few days ago. Unfortunately, as stated above, it seems that the development has stopped.
But maybe someone can still help me with a problem/request, would be great. smile

Is there any possibility to have a "Free" routing mode? Either in OSC-Commander or in TouchOSC. Building a new layout would be absolutely fine for me. The problem is, that at the moment, I don't know how to realise this in a custom layout. I think it might not even be possibile? I downloaded the excel sheet with the commands and tried to understand what's going on with the OSC adresses and so on but didn't manange to understand it completely, yet.
I would like to have a bank of faders where every fader can be assigned to a different output/mix, independently from the others. It would even be ok for me to "hard-wire" the faders to certain mixes/outputs in the layout, so that they can't be adjusted in the app, later.

Why do I want to do this? I am using the UCX as a live mixer and since TotalMix does not provide any groups or busses, I am sending certain channels to a certain output, which I then connect to an input channel, again. This way, I get some kind of group channel, but of course this can easily lead to feedback loops and I really don't want to destroy my hardware (or the audience's ears). So I have to ensure that I don't accidentally produce feedback loops and with a "free" routing mode I can ensure this pretty well, whereas with submix routing I always have to change the submix.

And why the heck do I need the bus/group functionality?
For example: I want to have compression on the vocals for the main mix, but not in the monitor mix for the singer (because this easily leads to feedback and weakens the performance of the singer). Since there are no pre-fx sends, I route the vocals a) to the monitor outputs and b) to a bus/group and compress them there and then route that bus/group to the main mix output.

Would be great if someone could give me some input or information on this!

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

If you connect an ADAT cable from ADAT-out to ADAT-in it gives your 8 mono groups or 4 stereo groups.

Send you vocal mix (for main out) to ADAT1 Out (0 dBFS and no processing), which will route to ADAT1 In and then add your compression on ADAT1 In and send it to Main Out.

I do this with AES (2 groups) for the same reason you mentioned.

I hope this helps.

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

The app has become a small update and the name has changed to "OSCAR".

I updated many apps at once on my tablet, so at first i was surprised and thought, the osc commander has gone - but no, OSCAR was there instead wink  Basically it´s still the same, there was just a small fix.

I really hope the developder will continue to work on this app, i like it very much. Works great out of the box.

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

Tried the app for Android and Totalmix FX
but was unable to set it up and get connection.


Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates

G-Sun wrote:

Tried the app for Android and Totalmix FX
but was unable to set it up and get connection.

You should at least mention your Android version and what phone model you have.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: OSC-Controller for Android and iOS with default TotalMixFX templates


I'm glad to announce, that OSCAR is now also available on iOS. I also added a completely rewritten editor and TMFX layouts now update the page on change.

OSCAR for Android and iOS with TotalMixFX templates: http://www.oscar-app.de