Topic: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency


I'm very interested in the RME Fireface UFX+, namely the Thunderbolt and USB 3 integration.

I was about to buy a Fireface 802 but now I am reconsidering.
Do you already have some information on the latency with Thundebrolt and USB 3?
Will you be able to reduce the latency even more with Thunderbolt due to your excellent drivers?

Best regards, looking forward to some info on this. smile


Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

Both support 32 samples as lowest buffer size under Windows. Usually Thunderbolt (= PCI Express) will work a bit better when the DAW is causing higher CPU loads. Means you might be able to have the project runing at 32 while the other one might need a change to 64 samples. Of course we have seen all kinds of ill behaviour out there, so your mileage may vary or even be the opposite. Same on the Mac.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

Hi MC,
Any idea when it will ship?
I'm saving my hard earned pennies!

SamProX23 Suite-RME UFX+,FF800;X-Touch,21" Acer Touch,ASUS ROG G750JH-DB71-Win8,MSSurfbook-Win10

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

Thanks Matthias!

The lowest buffer size at 96khz is still 48 samples I guess?


Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

Never has been. 64 samples, equalling 32 samples at 48 kHz. The UFX+ uses the MADIface series driver, not the USB driver of the 802 and others.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

i am also interested in buying the UFX+ to replace my AIO which has several noise issues i was not able to eliminate!

the ADI-2 PRO is also very interesting as it has all i need for my home studio and would fit my needs much better,
however i am not sure how the USB2 ADI-2 PRO compares to the USB3 UFX+ latency wise running on Windows 10 PRO 64bit.

is there a significant difference or will the ADI-2 PRO be able to run with 64 or even 32 samples?

7 (edited by ramses 2016-12-31 15:28:20)

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

The ADI-2 Pro uses the same MADIface Series driver as UFX+, XTC and some more.

Following real life szenario: UFX+ (USB2/3 capable) and ADI-2 Pro (USB2 cabable) connected to USB3 ports (Intel C612):
- The MADIface series driver settings dialog has 2 TABs: one for the UFX+ one for the ADI-2 Pro.
- In terms of ASIO Buffersize both devices can use from 32..2048 @44.1/48 kHz.
- Under Cubase the MADIface driver
  - integrates all inputs and outputs of UFX+ and ADI-2 Pro and
   - tells a very low RTT for both devices (UFX+ and ADI-2 Pro)

There is one major difference between UFX+ and ADI-2 Pro.

The UFX+ is a "recording interface" with TotalMix FX , where you have full control over the routing, etc
The ADI-2 Pro has no TM included.

You can use the ADI-2 Pro either fully stand-alone or connect it via USB.
Connected via USB it works in Class Compliant mode and you have the ASIO driver.
There are 2 major operation modes via USB
- 2 channel stereo mode (record/play) with sample frequencies up to 768 kHz Sample Frequency
- Multi Channel Modus 6 in / 8 out for sample frequencies up to 192 kHz

The question is whether your focus is
- to have a recording interface
  - with the flexibility of TotalMix FX and
  - in the case of the UFX+ highest flexibility and expandability (MADI, ADAT, etc)
- to get a smaller box without Totalmix which is a high-end DAC in "Reference Quality" with a lot of features
   which makes this device outstanding in the market. It can do a lot of things, read the manual.

When it comes to recording I personally do not want to make all the routing in the DAW, certain things
can be made better and faster in TotalMix.

To put an example. In TotalMix I can quickly control the routing without having to start the DAW.
So I can route Music (no matter from which source, DAW or Win7 Application)  through i.e.:
Monitors, Monitor B (HiFi connected via optical SPDIF and 15m TOSLINK cable), Phones, ADI-2 Pro (via ADAT).
And everything by simply a mouse click.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

8 (edited by FIXXXER 2016-12-31 15:37:18)

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

thanks for the info!

i am looking for the most simple solution to replace my AIO, so the ADI-2 PRO might fit my needs a bit better.
i also do not really use total mix with my AIO other than adjusting the I/O volumes,
it's a great tool but i do not really need it. same goes for the built in FX.

i also do not require any routings as i always record max one source at a time, guitar, bass and vocals, all seperately.
drums, synths etc. are all VST instruments.

i am still a bit confused about the ADI-2 PRO and it's capabilities of an actual audio interface. it does support ASIO so
basically i can use it within cubase as a simple 2IN/2OUT audio interface that offers headphone outputs and a built in monitor controller, is that correct?

how do the converters of the UFX+ and the ADI-2 PRO compare, is it basically the same thing or does the
ADI-2 PRO offer a better oberall signal quality?

i am also curious if it would be an audible step up from the AIO converters?

9 (edited by ramses 2016-12-31 16:02:14)

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

It comes with an ASIO driver, via USB you can use it in one of the 2 operational modes,
which I described in my former posting:
- 2 channel stereo mode (record/play) with sample frequencies up to 768 kHz
- Multi Channel Modus 6 in / 8 out for sample frequencies up to 192 kHz

UFX/UFX+ (in terms of different I/Os) and TotalMix (in terms of routing flexibility)
are nice to enable i.e. things this:

ADI-2 Pro might be nice for you in terms of Quality and Form Factor.
You can even operate it with a power bank connected to USB port, so if you travel a lot,
you can hear music in best quality with your "beloved" headphones.

Cross-link can make listening to music more natural.

Your ears are protected, as the volume slowly increases when plugging-in the phones, not to blow your ears.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Question about RME Fireface UFX+ latency

thank you very much for all the info, this does help a lot! smile