Topic: UCX WiFi


Please forgive my ignorance but an idea came into my head and I wondered if it were possible.

I would like to use my UCX with an iPad running Totalmix instead if a mixer.

I would also like my iPad to be portable whilst using it front of house.

Would it be possible to plug a wifi device into the UCX USB port and control the UCX, running Totalmix on the iPad wirelessly?

If this is possible, does anybody know of a suitable wifi device that could do this?

Kind regards
Rodney smile

Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: UCX WiFi

This would require more code in the FPGA, have my doubts that there is so much space free, that this functionality could be integrated.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: UCX WiFi

Hi Ramses,

Thanks for the reply! I thought that there would be a good technical reason as to why this would not work.

Just out of curiosity. What does FPGA stand for?

Rodney smile

Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: UCX WiFi

RME uses these chips to be independand of everything, even for USB and Firewire communication.
This makes it even possible to fix things afterwards per firmware upgrade...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: UCX WiFi

But you could if you had a laptop or tablet on stage connected to the UFX and a wifi router. Then use the Ipad wirelessly via OSC.

Re: UCX WiFi

With something like this you have all you need. WiFi, Ethernet (with adapter), HDMI, USB etc.
Size is similar to iPhone 6 = very portable wink

Re: UCX WiFi

I'm a little confused, which is not that difficult.
Please select a routing option to help me understand the chain smile

1. UCX - Laptop - Wifi Router - iPad
2. UCX - Wifi Router - Laptop - iPad


Rodney smile

Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: UCX WiFi

There is no such a "chain" for a Router, it works central. You connect both (or even more devices) to it, Laptop and iPad over WLan or Lan.

If you don't want to use a separate Router, you can make any Laptop/Mini-PC to a Router with connectify. Or you could connect iPad + Mac over an Adhoc connection (Point to point). Adhoc seems to be impossible with Win8 +.

Again I suggest a Mini-PC as the most portable solution, much smaller than a Laptop. It can be controlled with an iPad over RDP, you don't need a separate Computer Display. There are several (free) Apps for iPad to do this.

Re: UCX WiFi

Hi Loonypac,

With the equipment that I currently have I think it would be:-

UCX - MacBook Pro - ad hoc - iPad


Rodney smile

Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

10 (edited by Timur Born 2016-05-25 17:27:58)

Re: UCX WiFi

You can also connect to the computer remotely via utilities like Remote Desktop, Teamviewer, Splashtop and the like. Set the computer to a 4:3 aspect resolution for using an iPad to remote control. Here are three screenshots taken from an iPad that demonstrate three different resolutions. The lower the resolution, the less bandwidth the connection will need.

1280 x 960 / 100% 

1600 x 1200 / 135%

1154 x 864 / 100%

The last image shows some trickery in that I used a AutoHotKey script that allows me to toggle off the title bar and/or menu bar of the Totalmix FX window (it also maximized the window to whatever resolution I am currently using).

I found that I could control all elements with my finger in all three resolution/sizes, but of course the last image offers the largest elements and thus is easiest to control.

Be aware that Totalmix FX is *not* multi-touch capable, even when your OS is (like Windows 8+). So you can only control one fader, knob or button at the same time. So other solutions might be more practical.

Re: UCX WiFi

Cheers Tim,
Thanks for the info and screen shots. I've excluded the AES and ADAT strips in my Totalmix settings as I don't have the gear to use these additions.
However it does mean I can expand the other channel strips which is useful.

My ideal would be to not have to use the computer as a medium. Just the UCX and iPad over wifi, but this is just a fantasy of mine. Not yet possible. In tomorrow's world hopefully it will be.



Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

12 (edited by Timur Born 2016-05-25 23:37:45)

Re: UCX WiFi

If you don't need many channels you can even go with the 2-row design and change resolution all the way down to 800 x 600 for extra big control elements (thick finger approved, even on an 8" iPad). wink

Those scroll bars below the rows also work very nicely via touch control.

PS: That grey border part lurking in the lower right corner is the software I used to get completely rid of Totalmix FX' border. Unfortunately TMFX keeps switching the border back on as soon as you change window focus (not so with title and menu bar). So I had to hide that extra software window somewhere for the screenshot.