1 (edited by paalsound 2016-04-17 17:35:57)

Topic: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34


For some reason the Digiface is not always recognised when using the HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34. The Host Error shows a red light on the Digiface.

I'm connecting to a Macbook Air with an official apple Thunderbolt cable. I've updated to the latest drivers and firmware.

When the Digiface is recognised everything is working as it should, so that's good.

When the problems arises I spend quite a bit of time to get the mac to recognise the Digiface. I turn off the mac and the Digiface and try to connect again. Sometimes this works, others it does not. It seems a bit random.

Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?

I would very much appreciate any input on this smile

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

I hope that it's possible to find a solution.
I bought the HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34 to work with my Digiface as recommended.

The Digiface was working fine with the HDSPe PCI card.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

I suppose you're on El Capital? Which versions of drivers and/or firmware are you using?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

4 (edited by paalsound 2016-04-21 09:19:40)

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

I'm on Mavericks actually.

I've installed the latest driver 4.06 and the latest firmware for the HDSPe ExpressCard, version 20.

Is it correct to assume that the constant red light indicates that the Digiface is not properly recognized?

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Are you using the Sonnet Echo Express "PRO" adapter? It looks exactly the same, except the front where the ExpressCard goes in has the word "PRO" written on it.

I have 2 Sonnet adapters, one PRO and one Non-PRO. Swapping one for the other without changing anything else, the Non-PRO works perfectly, the PRO is intermittent, just as you describe.
Sonnet claims they know nothing of this problem, I've been in touch with them and RME for weeks about this problem but so far no solution.

Interestingly, looking at the System Information screen for the 2 cards, the Non-PRO has a newer firmware version than the PRO. Sonnet has not replied to my question as to whether or not this is significant.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

That's interesting info, thanks.
I have the version with "PRO" written on it and that seems to confirm your observations.

I did not know there were two different versions of the adapter. Do you know what the differences are?
I can only find the PRO version on the Sonnet website.

It would be great to get some feedback from RME on this.

7 (edited by Mr.X 2016-04-21 22:38:26)

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Please write to RME so that they can see that this is not an isolated problem. AFAIK, I'm the only one that has reported this issue so far. Sonnet isn't taking it seriously, but RME probably will. They've been very helpful so far, but have not had an opportunity to test the new "PRO" Sonnet out themselves.

Please link this thread in your e-mail to RME service/support.

Sonnet says that the only difference between the regular and PRO adapters is that the PRO is PCIe 2.0 whereas the old one was PCIe 1.1. They no longer make the older version so I'm scrounging eBay, but hoping that this can be fixed by RME or Sonnet so I don't have to chuck this new adapter.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Interestingly, Sonnet lists the RME HDSPe ExpressCard/34 as "Compatible". I wonder if they ever tested it...
http://www.sonnettech.com/PRODUCT/echoe … rbolt.html
(Click on "Compatible Products")

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Sure, I'll get in touch with RME support and link to this tread.

I've also read that the PRO version is official supported both by RME and Sonnet, that's the reason I bought it. It's quite an investment. So it's very strange that only the old one works as it should.

Hopefully they will look into it.


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

We will, but it will need a few days.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Is there a preferred way of reproducing the disconnects? I am trying with a non (PCIe 1.1) Pro Sonnet adapter and the native ExpressPort (PCIe 2.0) slot of my 2011 MBP.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Timur Born wrote:

Is there a preferred way of reproducing the disconnects? I am trying with a non (PCIe 1.1) Pro Sonnet adapter and the native ExpressPort (PCIe 2.0) slot of my 2011 MBP.

You shouldn't have any problems with the original Sonnet adapter.
It's their new 'PRO' adapter that has issues.

13 (edited by Timur Born 2016-04-29 16:22:53)

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

I know, but I am trying anyway, especially compared to the PCIe 2.0 ExpressCard slot. The RME card is a PCIe 1.1 card, the question is wether there is a problem with running in in a PCIe 2.0 slot, or just a problem with running it in the Sonnet adapter. The former would point to the RME card as source of the culprit, the latter would point to the Sonnet adapter.

Unfortunately it turned out that the ExpressCard slot on my MBP is the only PCIe lane that is v1.1 only, the other three lanes are v2.0. So no additional information I can add to this, sorry.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

So I got another one of the older "non-PRO" Echo ExpressCard adapters, replaced the PRO adapter and it's working perfectly, so there's definitely something up with the compatibility between the RME HDSPe card and this new "PRO" adapter.
It'll be up to RME and Sonnet to figure it out from here.

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

MC wrote:

We will, but it will need a few days.

What have you found?


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Nothing. Works as expected on various Macs that we tried. Never managed to see the 'not detected problem' as decribed in the first post.

I currently use it on my Dell XPS15 via a UBC to TB2 adapter under Windows 10. There is a small P&P problem which requires to insert the ExpressCard first , then plug Echo Pro into TB. The Sonnet Echo Pro is not 'marked' for Windows usage (only Mac) so this is somehow expected. I wonder if this way of handling also solves the problem for anyone seeing this on a Mac.

Matthias Carstens

17 (edited by Mr.X 2016-06-29 18:10:09)

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

MC wrote:

Nothing. Works as expected on various Macs that we tried. Never managed to see the 'not detected problem' as decribed in the first post.

I currently use it on my Dell XPS15 via a UBC to TB2 adapter under Windows 10. There is a small P&P problem which requires to insert the ExpressCard first , then plug Echo Pro into TB. The Sonnet Echo Pro is not 'marked' for Windows usage (only Mac) so this is somehow expected. I wonder if this way of handling also solves the problem for anyone seeing this on a Mac.

Thank you for writing back. This is bizarre to say the least. I spent almost 1 month working with the Sonnet adapter, along with Sonnet "support" and Synthax in the USA trying to get the "PRO" adapter to work, and I couldn't get it working.
I had 2 matching setups, so I was swapping ONLY the Sonnet adapter on a Mac Mini system that was working perfectly with the NON-PRO adapter. "Non-PRO" worked perfectly, PRO would not work.
Once I replaced the PRO with a "Non-PRO" all problems went away.

There must be something to the problem more than just a P&P issue, as I'm sure I tried connecting things in all sorts of orders, and most definitely I tried many times hooking it all up and rebooting the Mini which should have at least detected things properly then.

As I say, I'm quite surprised that you were unable to reproduce the problem, as it was easily reproducible for me, but such is the world of computers, I guess!

BTW - you were trying it on El Capitan, correct?


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Of course.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

I have now gotten the non Pro version of the Sonnet and it seemed like it was a more stable solution, but now I'm having the same issues as earlier, unfortunately. It's really frustrating. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong and I need this to work.
Could it be a bad firewire cable from the Digiface to the expresscard?

I'm using a macbook air running Mavericks. Will upgrading to El Capitan make any difference?

Also, I just remembered that my Digiface has a different faceplate, it says Nuendo Audiolink 96 on the front, but I was told that this is the exact same interface as the Digiface.


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Yes, it can be the FW cable. But it can also be the transceiver chips on the ExpressCard and/or the Digiface. It is a well-known effect that these not break completely, but only 'half', causing such detection problems. IN that case there is no way around repair.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Thanks, I'll try with a new firewire cable first then. I'm pretty sure the Digiface is working as it should. I was using it with the PCIe on a pc not long ago and there were no problems then.

How much would a repair of the ExpressCard cost?


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

The ExpressCard can not be repaired, only exchanged. For prices please ask your local dealer or distributor. BTW, did you ever check with a different external DF power supply?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

Ok, thanks, good to know. I bought the Expresscard on ebay so I guess there so no exchange options.

Which power supply do you recommend?
I'm not 100% sure that the one I'm using know is the original one, so that might be worth giving a shot, thanks.


Re: Digiface with HDSPe ExpressCard and Sonnet ExpressCard/34

The source does not matter when reparing. Getting another one from ebay might be cheaper than a repair, though. The specs of the power supply are listed in the manual.

Matthias Carstens