Topic: TOTALMIX with ICON Qpro and Qcon EXTENSION

Hi there,

does anyone use ttmix with those controllers?

My problem:

I've set up the controllers that way: 1 Qcon extension, 2 Qcon pro because they are physically in that position on my desk.The Qcon ex (in the 1st position) is declared as an 'Extender to 2', so the faders that are controlled can move in a block of 16 faders.

When I move the entire block on the side in the same row, or down to control another row (playbacks out for example), the brown block is moving all together and the faders are moving, but the Qcon ex does'nt show the name of the track. It stay locked on the first user names. If someone had the solution, that would be so appreciated...

thanks guys

Windows 7
Hdspe MADIfx
Antelope MP32_Antelope ORION 32