Topic: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Hi there,

i'm experiencing problems working with the UCX in Logic Pro X
I'm using Logic Pro X update 10.2.4 / Fireface UCX with driver update 2.18 / total mix 1.31 on macbook pro 13" 2015 model with OS 10.11.4

When working in Logic with more than 4 tracks (Midi and audio) the audio starts stuttering and there's no output anymore. The fader output show signal but the fire face doesn't seem to get anything.
(hope this is clear...)

There's no more audio flowing to the speakers. in Total Mix it doesn't show anything anymore.
For getting it back to work again i have to quit all programs, switch the fire face off, restart the computer.

randomly i get these messages:  "error while trying to sync midi" and/or "44.1kHz detected"

I've never had this problem with my older (much slower) macbook pro, working in logic 9 and with way more tracks and heavy CPU plugins (both cracks and registered)
I can't imagine it has something to do with RAM.

What could it be?


Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Can you remove the 2.18 driver package, go back to 2.17_2 & experience proper functionality?

I ask as I've noticed no issues with my UFX running 2.18 with 10.11.6 on my Mid-2014 MBP as my "standard day-to-day" partition, but running the 2.18 driver package on my "audio" partition with 10.10.5 the driver will launch & provide basic functionality with the Fireface USB Settings App but TotalMix just bounces in the dock & never appears onscreen, nor do any of the UFX remote programmable functions work.

There is something wrong with either the installer or the app itself - a first for RME, I've not experienced such an issue in over a decade so i'm sure it will be resolved quickly - took 10 mins to go back to 2.17_2 & get back to work, give that a shot.

RME team - what could be up with 2.18?

Cheers, Geoff.

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Thanks! i'll give that a try

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Hi geoff,

thanks for the reply. after speaking with someone from customer support NL/BE i have updated the firmware (flash) to the latest version. He thought that might help.

unfortunately this did not solve the problem.

the problem is this: When logic gets an overload (high CPU load) it stops playing for an instant. On that moment communication between the computer and the Fireface UCX is broken apparently.
when pressing play and logic starts playing again, the fireface doesnt receive any audio. And Logic starts giving messages about strange sample rates detected.

So the problem is clearly in the communication between Logic Pro X in el Capitan <=> Fireface

RME what could be the problem?
Please test this, and see if u can help out!

I've spend a lot of money on new gear which isnt communicating correctly
and I cant work like this



Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

You could try a different USB port, a different USB cable, and update to OSX 10.11.6. Unfortunately you seem to be the only one with this specific problem. Also note there is no communication between Logic and Fireface. Core Audio sits in the middle and talks with both.

To verify the UCX performance I can recommend to download Reaper and set up a simple all channel I/O project. It could show if the problem is on the software or hardware side.

Matthias Carstens


Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem


drainaudio wrote:

I ask as I've noticed no issues with my UFX running 2.18 with 10.11.6 on my Mid-2014 MBP as my "standard day-to-day" partition, but running the 2.18 driver package on my "audio" partition with 10.10.5 the driver will launch & provide basic functionality with the Fireface USB Settings App but TotalMix just bounces in the dock & never appears onscreen, nor do any of the UFX remote programmable functions work.

There is something wrong with either the installer or the app itself - a first for RME, I've not experienced such an issue in over a decade so i'm sure it will be resolved quickly - took 10 mins to go back to 2.17_2 & get back to work, give that a shot.

RME team - what could be up with 2.18?

Thanks for the details. Unfortunately we tested and as mentioned in the other thread it works for us. Initialising the MIDI server might take a long time, though, in case you have that specific problem. Is there a reason you stay on 10.10.5 instead of updating to the (IMHO) mch better 10.11.6?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Hi Matthias, unfortunately I still have some essential 3rd party plug-ins that are not supported under 10.11.6 - very boring tbh.

2.17_2 is working fine until I'm able to update.

Thanks, Geoff.


Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

We tested further machines but were not lucky to find one that shows the problem. Therefore we need your help to further get a clue what is going on here. People affected from a not starting/bouncing TM FX please do this:

- open the Activity Monitor
- double click on the TotalMix FX process
- in the new window, click on Sample
- Save the Sample Text and send it to us

Thanks a lot!

Matthias Carstens


Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

After first feedback it seems the bouncing TM FX problem is caused by a well-known file: the AvidCoreAudioPlugIn. If so please temporarily disable it to see if that is the culprit. Here is how to do that: … o-yos.html

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

I have had the exact same problem with the USB 2.18 installer for the UFX on a Mac. I have been advised to remove the AvidCoreAudioPlugIn in the HAL plugin folder, which I don't have. So I had to go back to 2.17-2. But I do have the older Digidesign CoreAudio in the same folder. I removed it, restart and reinstalled the 2.18 driver. And it works fine!

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

HI,  I had the same problem (as well on 10.10.5) with the Babyface, so I went back to an earlier version!

Is the 10.11.6 better for audio performance or?

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Hi, can I have a download link of driver_usb_mac_217_2? Thank you very much.


Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Still in the same place: …

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Wow, thank you very much! I can't find it on the download page, only the latest one available for download.

Re: Fireface UCX Logic Pro X problem

Hi all,

just down-dated the driver to 2.17, and this seems to do the trick for me.

- Mac OS 10.11.6
- latest RME firmware
- latest RME flash update tool
- driver 2.17

when i force logic to system overload the RME UCX is still communicating.

note: (don't know if it helped, but i took out these files from the preferences folder before restart/installing the 2.17 driver)