Topic: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

i have used my multiface I for many years and without any issue for the last 5 years or so. when i upgraded to windows 10 a few months ago, i found that the multiface still worked fine.
however, in recent weeks i have noticed that most of the time when i boot into windows, the red light stays on at the front of the device and windows does not list the device at all in device manager. i can sometimes get it to work correctly, but i am not doing anything technical to achieve this.. it seems that maybe the problem occurs 80% of the time on a boot, but not always.
i saw a similar thread in the support forums here and the user found that going back to an earlier version of the windows streaming driver solved his problem - (4.1) - however, i have not been able to find an archive of the older drivers so i haven't done that yet.

does anyone have any helpful input into this issue?

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10


Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

Older drivers are usually still on the website, you just edit the current link: …

turns into …

or 412, 411, 410, 409 etc etc etc

I don't think it is the driver. You should try an external power supply.

Regarding Windows 10: I observed that sometimes Plug & Play does not work like it did in former Windows versions. You then have to go into the Device Manager and select 'Search for changed Hardware' or similar from the menu. After that suddenly the already connected devices show up.

Matthias Carstens

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

thanks for the tips. triggering the 'scan for changes' in device manager did not resolve the issue. i have now loaded the 4.1 drivers and that also did nothing.
i have been using the card / box successfully with windows 7 for around 10 years without this kind of problem ever surfacing so i highly doubt that i need an external power supply.
i continue!

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

oh, so i just found that if i power off the system completely and then power it on again, the card and box are detected correctly - but if i restart then it is not.

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

Look here and try to disable Fast Startup: … rtup-mode/

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

thanks for the tip. on my machine the option for fast start is not available as i have disabled hibernation to save disk space.

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

Then have a look at the BIOS concerning boot up speed. My own BIOS offers three options for how "fast" it boots up, aka how many devices it initializes before handing things over to Windows. It's well possible that yours acts differently on a restart compared to a full power on in order to shave off a few seconds.

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

i have seen the system boot and have the card working in the last few weeks, but right now it is mostly not working again. i have gone through the bios and disabled anything remotely related to fast startups. there are a few options in the bios that i don't know enough about to know whether they will effect the problem i am having here. the motherboard is an asus Z97-P if anyone knows of any tips.

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10


Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

In your first post you said 5 years. Now you said 10 years or up. That means you might have an outdated PCI card that needs modification:

Or just a cleaning of its gold contacts with a soft rubber eraser.

Matthias Carstens

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

thanks for assisting here.

i have used my multiface I for many years and without any issue for the last 5 years or so.

i wrote that to say that, basically, i don't know exactly how long i have had the card but it has been working correctly for at least the last 5 years. there were some issues with it prior to 5 years though. i have probably had the card somewhere between 12 and 15 years - it has lasted well.
i have upgraded the graphics card in my pc fairly recently, so it is possible that the issue is related to that in some way, although i just tested the watt usage of the PC using a meter and it doesn't go over 200W and the PSU in the PC is rated to 600W.
i will look at the contacts and board revision now.

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

i just cleaned the contacts as suggested, but that made no difference. i have contacted an engineer here to see about applying the hardware fix you pointed me to in the faq. i'll let you know how it goes!

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10

Re: multiface I sometimes fails to be detected by windows 10

so i still haven't resolved this issue.. but i just noticed that there is a PCI express version of the interface card available that offers lower latency and which is said to work with the multiface 1. since this is obviously an option for me that might result in better performance, i may go for this.
can anyone confirm that this PCI-E card will definitely work with my old multiface 1? … face.php#4

and if so, what kind of latency improvement might i see?

multiface I +pci card
gnu/linux fedora + win 10